

EUROGI kérdőív a közadatokról

Európai felmérés a közadatokról.
A kérdőív kitöltésével elérhető, hogy a közadatokra vonatkozó európai felmérés térképén Magyarország nem maradjon fehér folt.
Az EUROGI főtitkárától érkezett:
"From: João Geirinhas
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 5:02 PM
Subject: User Access Questionnaire
Dear EUROGI member,
As part of the Work plan 2006 and within the activities committed to the WAG User Access, EUROGI is now launching the Questionnaire on public administration data.
Since the results are expected to assess current data pricing processes across Europe, as a basis for better informing decisions on policies and related coherent business models, EUROGI kindly ask you to dedicate some time on filling the attached questionnaire.
Please address any questions, and send your answers no later than Friday, November 3rd 2006, directly to Michel Wurtz (
mjwurtz@gmail.com) copying them to eurogi@eurogi.org).
I thank you in advance for the effort.
Best regards,
João Geirinhas"
EUROGI Secretary General
Töltse le a kérdőívet itt
majd kitöltve küldje meg a megadott két drótposta címre legkésőbb november 3-ig, másolatban a hunagi@hunagi.hu címre is.
Ezzel elérhető, hogy mind a hazai válaszokat mind az európai felmérés eredményeit közreadjuk tagszervezeteink és a további közreműködők számára amint azokkal rendelkezünk.

A kérdőív bevezetője:
EUROGI Working and Advisory Group on User Access
Questionnaire on Public Administration Data (QPAD)

EUROGI objectives include the promotion of easy access to datasets by users from a technical, legal, financial and organisational point of view.
The elaboration of EUROGI perspectives must then take in account the Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector documents. The goal of the Working and Advisory Group on User Access is to promote the development of a policy increasing the effective access to geo-spatial data for day to day uses (general public, government, industry and research).

As a first step, the WAG User Access has to list and evaluate the data producers and the interpretation made by European countries of some INSPIRE proposed policy measures, mainly if and how they increase the potential of re-use of public administration spatial data sets by third parties.

The following questionnaire is an attempt to collect meaningful information regarding what the different countries consider public administration datasets and how they share them.

Letöltés : itt"

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