

Budapestre költözik a FAO regionális Hivatala!

Az egykori Fővárosi Kerületek Földhivatalának épülete, a jelenlegi FAO SEUR otthona lesz a FAO Regionális Hivatal székhelye. Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2004

A magyar agrárdiplomácia kiemelkedő sikere!
Besides Santiago de Chile and Bangkok, Budapest will host the third FAO Regional Office responsible for procurements and other administrative activities on regional level.
The move of the Office from Rome will start in 2007 and completed in 2009. The decision will provide an accelerating synergy also on the UN SDI related developments too.
In Mid-December UN SDI national coordinators will meet at the SDI Unit of the European Commission. More news on the FAO Regional Office from the authentic source of
HUNAGI was introduced shortly for the Delegation Members of the FAO European Regional Office during their visit in Budapest in 2003 at a working lunch given by Ms. Maria Kadlicekova. Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2003

FAO Representative at SEUR Maria Kadlecikova with State Secretary Fülöp Benedek, President of the Hungarian National FAO Committee and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mr. József Gráf at the Scientific Session devoted to the World Food Day Image: HUNAGI Visuals resource, 2006
Magyar változat hamarosan.

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