

Európai Bizottság levele az SDIC (HUNAGI) és LMO (FÖMI, OMSZ) szervezetekhez

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Napi postánkból: az SDI Unit IES DG JRC levele:
"Dear colleague,
The aim of this message is to provide you with an update on INSPIRE-related topics, and to invite the Spatial Data Interest Community (SDICs) or Legally Mandated Organisation (LMO) you represent to consider the two calls for expression of interest for Data Specifications and Monitoring and Reporting that are now open.
Porto presentations
At the 13th EC GI & GIS Workshop in Porto, Portugal, staff of the Commission and the chairs and co-chairs of the Drafting Teams delivered presentations on the INSPIRE Context and Coordination, Work Plan (2007-09), Strategy for co-funding, Funding opportunities, the current status of the development of the Implementing Rules, and the INSPIRE Geo-portal. These presentations are available on the INSPIRE website (http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/, go to Document archive / 13th EC GI & GIS Workshop: INSPIRE presentations).
Call for expression of interest for data specifications development
First of all, thank you for any comments you have submitted to the consultations on the deliverables of the Data Specifications Drafting Team. 39 SDICs and LMOs have submitted comments on the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (DS-D2.5) and over 50 to the Definition and Scoping of Annex Themes (DS-D2.3). These comments will be analysed and processed in the coming months. In preparation for the Implementing Rule development for each spatial data theme listed in the annexes of the Directive, the INSPIRE Team invites SDICs and LMO to submit candidate Specifications (scenario 1), and to participate in Specification Development process (scenario 2). The deadline is 30 September 2007. Details of the call are available on http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/ds/
Call for expression of interest to participate in the Monitoring Feasibility Test
Article 21 of the INSPIRE directive requires Member States to monitor the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information, and to provide a three-yearly report to the Commission. To that aim, the Drafting Team Monitoring and Reporting has been preparing a Monitoring framework. SDICs and LMOs are invited to express their interest to participate in the Monitoring Feasibility Test. The deadline is 27 July 2007. Details of the call are available on http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/mr/
The eContentPlus work programme and call for proposals have been adopted by the Commission on 6 July 2007. The deadline for proposals is 4 October 2007, 17:00. A link to the call is provided on the INSPIRE website.
Draft minutes of the first INSPIRE Committee meeting public
The draft minutes of the first INSPIRE Committee that took place on 26 June 2007 have been submitted to the European Parliament and are publicly available. For more information please see the INSPIRE website.
In order to assist the SDICs and LMOs, a RSS feed has been set-up for the INSPIRE News. The URL is http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/rss/readRSS.cfm. It provides the INSPIRE News of the last 40 days.
The INSPIRE team"

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