

Minőségbiztosítás: partnerség menedzsment a termékelőállításban

Közös EuroSDR - Eurogeographics Műhely FIG támogatással
Southampton, 7-9 November 2007

Mai postánkól: Kevin Mooney főtitkár írta az EuroSDR-től.

Csatolmánya itt található:

"Dear Colleagues,

With apologies for duplicate mailing... ...
This is a first announcement of a joint EuroSDR/EuroGeographicsInternational Workshop, supported by FIG, entitled 'Production Partnership Management' taking place at Ordnance Survey Offices in Southampton, UK, from 7th to 9th November 2007.
With ever increasing demands in value and quality in the GI market we need to manage our production processes more effectively in an environment that embraces continual improvement. Innovation and continual improvement must be balanced rather than replaced with control. These often conflicting requirements can be met through Production Partnership Management. Please see the attached First Announcement and visit the workshop website at
Best regards
Kevin Mooney"
Department of Spatial Information Sciences, Dublin Institute of Technology
Bolton Street, Dublin 1., Ireland.
Tel.: +353-1-4023730, Fax.: +353-1-4023999, eMail: kevin.mooney@dit.ie
Az EuroSDR téradatokkal összefüggő kutatásokra specializálódott szervezet. Vezérkara és szakmai felépítése így néz ki:
Enök: Stig Jönsson , Svédország
Alelnök: Christian Heipke , Németország
Főtitkár: Kevin Mooney , Írország
Tudományos bizottságok:
Sensors, Primary data acquisition and Georeferencing

(Chairman: Michael Cramer , University of Stuttgart)
Image Analysis and Information Extraction

(Chairman: Juha Hyyppå, Finnish Geodetic Institute)
Production Systems and Processes

(Chairman: Eberhard Gülch , Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences)
Geospatial Reference Databases

(Chairman: Keith Murray , Ordnance Survey Great Britain)
Integration and Delivery of Data and Services

(Chairman: Mike Jackson , Centre for Geospatial Science, Nottingham)

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