

LIFE+ Pályázati felhívás

LIFE+ pályázat 3 témakörben:
Természet és Biológiai sokféleség
Környezetpolitika és kormányzás
Roger Longhorn neves SDI szakértő továbbította ma este Kate Lance levelét azzal, hogy a pályázati felhívás a régiónk országaiban, így Magyarországon is is érdeklődésre tarthat számot.
"...Note that this programme is focused VERY much on European actions, so ...it may be of interest to Gabor and the eastern/southern European community.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SDI-Europe] LIFE+ call for proposals (deadline 30 November 2007)
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 21:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kate Lance <
Reply-To: Kate Lance <
To: SDI-Europe <
LIFE+, a new program for the Environment, will run in the 2007-2013 period. With a budget of over 2 billion euros, LIFE+ is a substantial but focused funding instrument. It provides specific support for the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation. The LIFE+ draft application guidelines are now available. The programme comprises three components:
LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance
LIFE+ Information & Communication
At least 78 per cent of the LIFE+ funds will be for the co-financing of project action grants, of which at least 50 per cent will be for nature and biodiversity projects. The European Commission will use the
remaining sum for operational expenses.
The Commission will organise the annual call for proposals and, with the help of external experts, will select, revise and monitor the projects and be responsible for making the appropriate payments. Member States
will forward the project proposals to the Commission, may set national priorities and objectives (from 2008 onwards) and may prepare comments on proposals, in particular in relation to national annual priorities.
The first deadline for submitting proposals is 30 November 2007."

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