

Elektronikus kulturális atlasz kezdeményezés (ECAI) éves jelentése

Tekintve, hogy a HUNAGI-ban alkakult egy lelkes feladatcsoport a History GIS témakörében, a honi történeletudományi megközelítésben a térinformatika adta lehetőségek elősegítésére, hasznos lehet, ha az elektronikus kultúrális atlasz kezdeményezés sok országot összefogó szervezetének 2007.évi eredményeit e helyen a honi térinformatikai közösség számára hozzáférhetővé tesszük. A HUNAGI, a Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Geoinformatikai Kara, valamint az ELTE Térképtudomámnyi és Geoinformatikai Tanszéke már egy éve tagja az ECA kezdeményezésnek. A feladatcsoportot az MTA Történettudományi Intézetének munkatársa vezeti, aki az elmúlt évben végzett az UNIGIS posztgraduális térinformatikai szakmérnökeként. 2009-ben kerül vissza Európába a szakmai szerveződés konferenciája amikor is reményeink szerint egy addigra meginduló projektről a hazai kutatók is beszámolhatnak.
A hétvégén érkezett jelentés az alábbi:
"ECAI Director’s Report January 2008

The 21st Conference of ECAI and the Tenth Anniversary of the founding of the organization were held in conjunction with PNC at Berkeley in October. There were 182 registered delegates for the three day event. I want to thank Peter Zhou and Deborah Rudolph of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library for their great help in organizing our meeting in coordination with the opening of the new building for the library.
The ECAI project focused on the Batanes Islands between Taiwan and the Philippines was awarded $30,800 by the UC Berkeley Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Endowment Fund for continued research and construction of the atlas within the larger Austronesian work being conducted by Co-Director Michael Buckland, Professor David Blundell, and Jeanette Zerneke.
We are in a period of expansion for the ECAI community and a number of training workshops have been planned to help bring new projects into operation. In August, Howie Lan from Berkeley and Damian Evans from U of Sydney worked with 30 students at the Vietnam Buddhist University in Ho Chi Minh who are constructing an Atlas of Vietnam Buddhism. In December, Damian Evans did a similar training at the Yang Heng Graduate School of Buddhism in Taipei for 18 students who are creating two atlases related to Buddhism in Taiwan. February will find Howie doing a workshop at Fagu University in Taiwan. We are also arranging for such training at the United Nations Vesak Day Celebration in Hanoi in May followed by a special workshop with the Ecole francaise d’extreme oriente staff in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and a first ever ECAI working session in India.
Both the Director and Co-Director have been traveling to various meetings around the world giving lectures. The Director gave keynote addresses at the Chicago Colloquium for Computer and Humanities, the conference in Seoul, Korea jointly sponsored by the Tripitaka Koreana Institute and Nanzen Temple of Kyoto celebrating the joint efforts to digitize images of the Nanzenji Archive, and Computing and Humanities Conference at Vietnam Buddhist University, Ho Chi Minh.
We look forward to seeing members at the 22nd ECAI Conference, the Fourth Congress of Cultural Atlases being held April 21-25, 2008, on the campus of Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. The Fall 2008 meeting will be held jointly with the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium and the Japanese Geo-Informatics Projects in Hanoi in December. Spring of 2009 will find us in Williamsburg, Virginia meeting jointly with the Computer Applications in Archaeology group.
Events Place and Time Mapping for Information in Religious Studies - Workshop2/19/2008 Location: Fagu University, Taiwan Description: Howie Lan, UC Berkeley, instructs participants in this one day workshop featured as part of the EBTI after 15 and CBETA at 10 Years: Joint International Conference on Digital Buddhist Studies, February 15-17 with post-conference workshop Feburary 19-20, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. See more on this event: http://www.ddbc.edu.tw/eng/conferences/program.html
Association for Asian Studies4/3/2008-4/6/2008 Location: Atlanta, GeorgiaDescription: ECAI will hold a panel discussion at the 2008 meeting.
ECAI Congress of Cultural Atlases IV4/21/2008-4/25/2008 Location: Curtin Technical University, Perth, Australia
United Nations Vesak Day Celebration5/13/2008-5/17/2008 Location: Hanoi, VietnamDescription: ECAI will hold a workshop at the UN Day of Vesak and the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha.ECAI Congress of Cultural Atlases V3/22/2009-3/26/2009 Location: Williamsburg, Virginia, USA Funding Announcements Text Analysis and Pattern Detection: 3-D and Virtual Reality Environments The National Science Foundation has awarded $99,000 grant for a one yearresearch project that focuses on searching for patterns in the Korean Buddhist canon. This project is part of the ECAI approach that deals with the context of where, when, and who. All of the canonic data is to be searched for these three elements in a surrogate form of colored dots. We will give demonstration of the work at meetings in Taiwan, Vietnam, and Perth. Context and relationships: Ireland and Irish StudiesECAI has received a grant of $349,996, one of three awards from the new “Advancing Knowledge” program administered by the National Endowment for the Humanities and jointly funded by the Endowment and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The award funds a project entitled “Context and relationships: Ireland and Irish Studies,” which builds directly on our earlier IMLS-funded project “Support for the Learner: What, Where, When and Who.” The new project is a collaboration between ECAI, the Celtic Studies Program, the Emma Goldman Papers Project (at Berkeley) and the Queen’s University, Belfast. At Belfast, the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis and the University Library have been funded by the British government (JISC) to scan and digitize back-files of a hundred journals important for the study of Irish culture an history.ECAI will develop techniques to enable anyone reading these digitized articles to find explanations of persons, places, institutions, events and other topics mentioned in the text. More at http://ecai.org/neh2007/ Orchid Island (Lan-yu) and the Batanes: A Cultural AtlasOver the years the ECAI Austronesia team, led by Dr David Blundell, has benefited from as series of grants to David Bundell and ECAI Co-Director Michael Buckland from the University of California Berkeley Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Endowment Fund. The largest and most recent of these grants ($30,800) is to complete a cultural atlas designed by Jeanette Zerneke of the indigenous cultures and ancient migrations of the inhabitants of the islands in the Bashi channel between Taiwan and the Philippines." További részletek: http://ecai.org/batanesatlas/

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