

Az INSPIRE jelenlegi helyzete

2008 április közepén az EU tagországok illetékes szakértői meghívást kapnak egy eligazításra, amely megelőzi a május közepi EU szintű INSPIRE Bizottság ülését. Mivel mindkét hivatalos találkozó gyakorlatilag zártkörű, a HUNAGI tagsága, partnerei és a szélesebb hazai szakmai közvélemény tájékoztatása alapvető érdek. Az EUROGI Tagok Napján Daniele Rizzi, az EUROSTAT egyik INSPIRE felelőse tekintette át részletes előadásában az INSPIRE jelenlegi helyzetét. Az egyértelműség kedvéért előadásának szöveges része eredetiben, változtatás nélkül kerül itt közreadásra, csupán a gondolati fejezetcímek szerepelnek magyar megnevezéssel.
Mindez csupán tájékoztatásként kezelendő, hiszen a hivatalos dokumentumok azok, amelyek a hivatalos http://inspire.jrc.it/ honlapról tölthetők le.
Az EU INSPIRE Bizottság magyar tagja Bozó Pál főov.h. (KvVM)

Mit fog át az INSPIRE?
Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination
INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes – (required to successfully build environmental information systems)

Mit foglalnak magukban az irányelv gyakran hivatkozott függelékeiben felsorolt alapadatkörök?
Annex I
1.Coordinate reference systems
2.Geographical grid systems
3.Geographical names
4.Administrative units
6.Cadastral parcels
7.Transport networks
9.Protected sites
Annex II
2.Land cover
Annex III
1.Statistical units
4.Land use
5.Human health and safety
6.Utility and governmental services
7.Environmental monitoring facilities
8.Production and industrial facilities
9.Agricultural and aquaculture facilities
10.Population distribution – demography
11.Area management/restriction/regulation zones & reporting units
12.Natural risk zones
13.Atmospheric conditions
14.Meteorological geographical features
15.Oceanographic geographical features
16.Sea regions
17.Bio-geographical regions
18.Habitats and biotopes
19.Species distribution
20.Energy Resources
21.Mineral resources
Adatmegosztás és az INSPIRE irányelv
Member States shall adopt measures for the sharing of data and services between public authorities for public tasks relating to the environment without restrictions likely to create practical obstacles occurring at the point of use.
Public authorities may charge, license each other and Community institutions provided this does not create an obstacle to sharing.
When spatial data or services are provided to Community institutions for reporting obligations under Community law relating to the environment then this will not be subject to charging.
Member States shall provide the institutions and bodies of the Community with access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions.

INSPIRE koordináció
MS shall designate a contact point responsible for contacts with the Commission.
This contact point will be supported by a coordination structure, taking into account the distribution of powers and responsibilities within the MS.
INSPIRE megvalósítás intézkedéseinek fő témakörei
MS shall designate a contact point responsible for contacts with the Commission.
This contact point will be supported by a coordination structure, taking into account the distribution of powers and responsibilities within the MS.
Az Európai Bizottság javaslatától az EU irányelvig
Preparatory phase (2004-2006)
–Co-decision procedure
–Start of preparation of Implementing Rules
Transposition phase (2007-2009)
–Directive entered into force 15 May 2007
–INSPIRE Committee starts its activities 26 June 2007
–Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules
–Transposition into national legislation
–Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology
Implementation phase (2009-2013)
–Implementation and monitoring of measures
–Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules
–Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology

Az INSPIRE adaptáció mérföldkövei
Entry into force of INSPIRE Directive
Adoption of IR for the creation and updating of metadata
Adoption of IR for monitoring and reporting
Adoption of IR for discovery and view services
Adoption of IR for download services
Adoption of IR for coordinates transformation service
Adoption of IR governing the access rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies
Adoption of IRs for the interoperability and harmonisation of spatial data sets and services for Annex I spatial data themes
Provisions of Directive are brought into force in MS
Adoption of IR for schema transformation and “invoke spatial data services” services
Adoption of the IR s for the interoperability and harmonization of spatial data sets and services for Annex II and III
Az INSPIRE megvalósítás mérföldkövei
Implementation of provisions for monitoring
Metadata available for spatial data in Annex I and II
The EC establishes and runs a geo-portal at Community level
Discovery and view services operational
Download services operational
Coordinates transformation services operational
7§3, 9(a)
Newly collected/ restructured Annex I spatial data sets available
Schema transformation and “invoke spatial data services” services operational
Metadata available for spatial data corresponding to Annex III
7§3, 9(b)
Newly collected/restructured Annex II/III spatial data sets available
7§3, 9(a)
Other Annex I spatial data sets available
7§3, 9(b)
Other Annex II and III spatial data sets available

INSPIRE végrehajtási szabályozás - Metaadatok
-Call for experts March 2005
-Drafting Teams established in October 2005
-Draft IR for Metadata published on 2nd Feb. 2007 based on requirement of Directive, review of existing material submitted by SDICs and LMOs, international standards, and drafting team knowledge.
-Open for comments by SDICs and LMOs over an 8 week period. 1200 comments received.
-DT analysed comments and made recommendations to Commission in August 2007.
-Commission prepared its own draft proposal based on inputs received, open for public consultation in October 2007 for 8 weeks
-Interservice consultation 14/3 – 9/4/2008
-Opinion of the INSPIRE Committee on 14th May 2008

INSPIRE végrehajtási szabályozás - Monitoring és jelentések
•To define the indicators which shall be used by Member States to monitor the implementation of the Directive, as well as the raw data needed and the way to calculate these indicators.
•To define the content of the reporting on how public sector providers and users of the infrastructure are coordinated, the relationship with third parties, the organisation of quality assurance; the contribution made by public authorities or third parties to the coordination and functioning; information on the use of the infrastructure; data-sharing arrangements between public authorities; and costs and benefits of the implementation of the Directive.
Mid March-mid May 2008
–SDIC/LMO review
Mid May-June 2008:
–Consolidation of feedback from review, new draft available by end June
July-September 2008:
–the CT will finalise the IR (objective: opinion of the INSPIRE Committee on November 2008)
Geoportálok helyzete
1.The Commission shall establish and operate an Inspire geoportal at Community level.
2. Member States shall provide access to the services referred to in Article 11(1) through the Inspire geo-portal referred to in paragraph 1. Member States may also provide access to those services through their own access points.
Az EU Geoportal
Required by the INSPIRE directive (art.15)
Provides access to the Member States INSPIRE services
Development under EC responsibility
–Aim to provide an operational platform to satisfy the requirements of the directive and IR
–Geoportal dependent on the IR development
The INSPIRE Geoportal will be operated by the EC
Az EU intézményeikkel szembeni INSPIRE követelmények
Statement concerning the application of INSPIRE to data held by Community Institutions and bodies (COM(2006)51 final)
The Commission fully agrees that the INSPIRE infrastructure should cover spatial data sets and services at Community level, in order to ensure coherence between the infrastructure for spatial information established in the Member States and relevant information at Community level. The Commission will make every effort to ensure this and will, if appropriate, come forward with a legislative proposal regulating the establishment of the components of INSPIRE within the relevant Community Institutions and bodies.
to analyse the state of the play concerning GI and SDI components within the Commission services
to test and demonstrate the feasibility of inter-operability based solutions for sharinggeographical informationand services within theCommission’s distributed environment
to develop a migration path for existing Commission GI services towards INSPIRE compliance, taking into account the organisational framework

Egy ilyen INSPIRE@EC bemutatott példa a GISCO "GIS for the Commission" volt.
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