

Űreszközök és -megoldások a légkör és a felszínborítás modellezésére

Az ENSZ-Európai Űrügynökség-Ausztria közös szimpóziuma
Graz, 2008 szeptember 9-12
"We would like to inform you that the United Nations/Austria/European Space Agency Symposium on “Space Tools and Solutions for Monitoring the Atmosphere and Land Cover ” will be held in Graz, Austria from 9 to 12 September 2008.
The Symposium is part of a series of annual symposia held in Graz since
2003 concerned with the use of space applications for sustainable
development to support the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on
Sustainable Development. It will be hosted and co-sponsored by the Federal
Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Federal Ministry
for Transport, Innovation and Technology of the Government of Austria, the
State of Styria, the City of Graz and by the European Space Agency (ESA).
Detailed information on the Symposium, including the application form, is
available online at
Within the limited funds available to the co-sponsors, a number of selected
participants from developing countries and countries with economies in
transition, will be offered financial support to attend the Symposium.
Applicants fulfilling the conditions and seeking financial support are
invited to fill out and return the application form by mail, no later than
Friday, 20 June 2008.
If you or your organization wishes to contribute to the Symposium, e.g. by
making a presentation or demonstration of relevant space applications, or
by sending representatives, please also do not hesitate to contact us.
We also kindly ask you to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested."

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