

Határozott hazai érdeklődés a GMES/Kopernikus irányában

A linket biztosító HUNAGI Napló látogatóinak számának növekedése a GMES Fórum figyelemfelhívás nyomán

GMES/Kopernikus iránt keltett hazai érdeklődés

A Fórum szervezőinek küldött mai alábbi levél statisztikával alátámasztottan számol be a videoközvetítés iránt megnyilvánult hazai érdeklődésről.
"Dear Forum GMES!
Although unable to attend, thanks to the video broadcasting I was able to follow the two day program, even more I had the opportunity to call the attention of the Hungarian spatial data interest community, members and partners of HUNAGI on that event. The visitors statistics of our blogs providing links to Lille show evidence of the great interest in Hungary towards GMES/Kopernikus. Similar interest was raised sending e.mail "alert" to EUROGI, GSDI, WGISS, Digital Earth and projects such as Humboldt and eSDI-Net.
Unfortunately the chat segment was off, so it was no possibility to raise questions.
Please visit our blogs (in Hungarian and the version in English) and look on the statistics.
Best regards,
Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp
Secretary General,
Blog in Hungarian: http://hunagi8.blogspot.com
Blog in English: http://unsdihu.blogspot.com
Statistics on visitors of the two days are attached in form of jpg
cc: Zsolt Barkóczi, President, HUNAGI"

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