

Téradat infrastruktúra - Európa megmutathatja eredményeit a GSDI-11 rotterdami konferenciáján

Mai postánkból:
"From June 15th through June 19th the GSDI 11 World Conference in Rotterdam will be the beating geospatial heart of the world! GSDI, INSPIRE (EU) and Geonovum/RGI (NL) are organizing in synergy with each other a high-quality integrated conference with top national and international speakers.
This newsletter will inform you on a regular basis about latest breaking news and details of the conference.
The Call for Papers for the GSDI 11 World Conference attracted close to 350 abstracts. These abstracts cover a wide selection of inspiring geo-related themes drawn from all over the world. The program committee is actively selecting the most innovative and appealing contributions for oral presentation and for the poster program. The conference provides authors an opportunity to present their work in June 2009 in Rotterdam to an international audience. The selection of abstracts for GSDI 11 will be announced on or about February 1.
With pride we are pleased to announce that Cyclomedia has joined ESRI and EuroGeographics as Platinum Sponsors for the conference.
CEO Paul Bosman states:
"CycloMedia recognizes that GSDI is a vast platform to discuss the challenges that different organizations face at the (inter)national, public and private level. It is a pleasure to have the Netherlands act as host country this time and I am proud that CycloMedia can deliver a contribution to this worldwide conference".
ESRI spokesman Frank Holsmuller clarifies:
"ESRI recognizes the GSDI conference as THE event to meet and inform the key players in the field of geo information. The GSDI-11 event promises to become extra interesting because it will take place close to the heart of the INSPIRE program."
EuroGeographics, the association for cadastral organizations in more than 40 European countries, is quite involved as well. The executive director, Dave Lovell, says enthusiastically:
"We are building bridges between our members and the many communities of users who rely on their authoritative information. We are pleased to have the opportunity to improve and enrich these inter-connections in the wider community of this conference and look forward to using the GSDI 11 World Conference to further expand the use of spatial data infrastructures for the benefit of all."
Can't wait for the next newsletter? Then visit http://www.gsdi.org/gsdi11. You can now use your credit card to register on the web and please check out the early bird registration.
See you in Rotterdam!"

HUNAGI 1996 óta tagja a GSDI szervezetnek, 1998 óta a Tanácsadó Testület, 2002 óta a Vezetőség tagja, és annak HUNAGI tagja tölti be a szervezet titkári posztját 2005 óta, most már a második ciklusban. A GSDI Bonn-Bad Königswinter (GSDI-1) és Budapest (GSDI-6) után jövőre Rotterdamban harmadik alkalommal rendezi meg a Globális téradat infrastruktúra világkonferenciát Európában. HUNAGI a Naplóban és körleveleiben folyamatosan felhívta a figyelmet az eseményre, és remélhetőleg többen bejelentkeztek határidőre előadásanyagokkal. Ha így lenne, erről a HUNAGI is visszajelzést várna.
A HUNAGI közösen az ír partnerszervezettel (IRLOGI) maga is szerepel előadás-javaslattal az INSPIRE műhelyen. Tárgya a KvVM-HUNAGI szerződéshez illeszkedően " kormányzati és civil szervezet összefogásban az INSPIRE végrehajtás érdekében".
Ha tagjaink, partnereink közül bárki fel kíván kerülni a GSDI Hírlevél postacím-jegyzékére látogassa meg a szervezet honlapját: http://www.gsdi.org/

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