

PLAN4ALL -jóváhagyott térségi tervezési projekt indul EUROGI részvételével

Amire a projekt összpontosít. Kép: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2009
Joao Geirinhas, az EUROGI főtitkára értesítette a HUNAGI-t :
"We are pleased to inform that the project Plan4all - European Network of Best Practices for Interoperability of Spatial Planning Information; has been approved by the European Commission (EC) for co funding under the eContentplus Programme (call 2008).
The Plan4all (ECP‑2008‑GEO‑318007) is a Best Practice Network (BPN) .. EUROGI is a partner of the Plan4all project having a foreseen active participation on some of the work packages.
The project is led by the University of West Bohemia (UWB). It officially starts on May 1st, 2009 and will run for 30 months. The kick off meeting is scheduled for May 14 in Prague, being preceded by a public workshop on May 13 in the afternoon. The event is tightly connected with the INSPIREd CEE-SDI Conference (http://www.isaf.cz/index_en.php?iMenu=10) within which organisation EUROGI is actively engaged."
Az előzetes projekttalálkozóra május 12-13-án Prágában kerül sor a CEE- SDI konferencia alkalmával.

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