

Október 2 a határideje a radartávérzékelés posztgraduális tanfolyami jelentkezésnek!

Sűrgős figyelmeztető felhívás ma délutáni postánkból:
Iulia Dana a Romániai Űrügynökségtől írja:
"I would like to remind you that the deadline for application submission is Friday, 2 October 2009.
Please register and upload your CV and motivation letter on the course website: http://events.rosa-rc.ro/index.php/radar_course_09/
Below you can find details about the radar remote sensing course:
Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is organizing a five-days intensive radar remote sensing course between 26 – 30 October 2009.
The training course is focusing on radar remote sensing theory and applications. It consists of two main components:
· theoretical fundamentals of radar remote sensing and introduction to SAR applications
· practical sessions using SAR data with focus on TerraSAR-X imagery for applications in water / oil detection and mapping
The course is opened primarily to Romanian students but also to students from other PECS countries (Hungary, Poland). Young scientist and university students who wish to expand and improve their knowledge and skills in the radar remote sensing research are invited to attend the course.
The candidates should have the following qualifications:
mandatory: MsC (or PhD) in Engineering or Physics or Science with knowledge of remote sensing
mandatory: good command of English language
desirable: knowledge of some remote sensing and GIS SW packages
desirable: needing/using GeoInformation for their profession
The students will be selected upon reviewing their CVs and motivation letters (explaining the relevance of this course for their present position) taking into account the qualifications mentioned above and the number of places in the classroom.
Deadline for application submission: 2 October 2009!
For further information about the program, registration, accommodation and application submission, you are kindly invited to access the website dedicated to this event:

Please forward this e-mail to anyone who might be interested!"
Iulia DANA
Research Assistant, Romanian Space Agency
21-25 Mendeleev Str., 5th Floor, Sector 1, 010362 Bucharest, ROMANIA
tel. +40-21-316.87.22; +40-21-316.87.23; fax +40-21-312.88.04

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