

Folytatódott a példaértékű szolgáltatások bemutatása Torinóban

Dr. Joachim Rix, az eSDI-NET+projekt koordinátora

A mai nap programja a következő volt:
9.00 Registration of participants
9.15 Opening and welcome Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)
9.20 INSPIRE and the importance of regional SDIs Max Craglia (JRC)
10.00 Forth Session: Thematic SDIs 
Bastiaan van Loenen (Delft University of Technology)
Presentations of pre-selected SDIs
- National Land & Property Gazetteer and National Street Gazetteer (UK)
- SIG Pyrénèes (France)
- Plansystem.dk (Denmark)
11.30 coffee break
12.00 Explanation of Award Criteria Ian Masser (Senior Consultant)
12.20 Presentation of Best Practices Awards Ian Masser (Senior Consultant)
Krister Olsen (European Commission)
12.40 Conclusions and Next Steps Joachim Rix (eSDI-Net+ Coordinator)

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