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Mai postánkból: Prof. Dr. Abbas Rajabifard a GSDI szervezet elnöke, a Melbourne Egyetem Téradat infrastruktúra és Földügyi Központ igazgatója írja levelében:
[We apologize for this repeat posting. Due to a credit card processing configuration problem, if you attempted to join previously and were unable to do so, please try again. If you were successful, your name is now posted at http://www.igeoss.org/members]
The International Geospatial Society is a new venture of the GSDI Association to establish and support an international community of individual specialists and professionals with geospatial, spatial data infrastructure, GIS and related interests. The goal is to engage and enhance communications internationally among individuals that are actively involved in promoting, developing, or advancing spatial data infrastructure and affiliated concepts. The benefits of joining are listed at http://geospatialsociety.org or http://www.igeoss.org. Join now to have a voice and be actively engaged in developing the bylaws and operating procedures.
Those joining in 2009 are being recorded as founding members. The usual annual dues is $50 US for individuals and $25 US for students. If you would like to be recorded as a founding member choose one of the options at 
http://www.igeoss.org/join Because there are only a couple months left in 2009 we are providing you with a discount for the 2009 founding membership if you also pay your dues for 2010.
Please join us in this new and exciting international venture!
Abbas Rajabifard, President
GSDI Association
If a friend or colleague would like to sign up for the GSDI News List,
direct them to 
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http://www.mailermailer.com/x?u=79962439u-60114cb5 "
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Our address:
c/o Onsrud | 5711 Boardman Hall, Univ. of Maine  | Orono, Maine 04473 

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