

SME4SPACE konferencia Budapesten HUNAGI részvétellel

Dr. Bárczy Pál a Magyar Űrklaszter elnöke és dr. Both Előd, a Magyar Űrkutatási Iroda igazgatója meghívására HUNAGI is meghívót kapott a kis- és közepes méretű vállalkozások űripari fejlesztésekben és alkalmazások területén való részvételét tárgyaló nemzetközi konferenciára. Az elhangzottakról a HUNAGI tagsága és partneri közössége tájékoztatást fog kapni.

SME4SPACE – 2009


10th of November 2009

9:00 - 16.30


National Office for Research and Technology

Conference Hall

Accomplished program:

8.45 – 9.00 Registration

9.00 – 9.40 Welcome

Kálmán Kovács Hungarian Space Research Council, Chairman

Dr. Gyula Csopaki National Office for Research and Technology, Chairman


9.40 – 10.00 Inaugural

Dr. Pál Bárczy Hungarian Space Cluster, Chairman

10.00 – 10. 30 SME4SPACE aimes, tasks, past, present, future

Giovanni Sylos Labini SME4SPACE Chairman

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 11.30 About the ESA SME Policy

11.30 – 12.00 Questions of co-operations between EC-ESA and connection

possibilities for SMEs

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break

13.00 – 13.30 Results of the first ESA AO tender restricted to the

Czech Republic.

Petr Baresh Czech Space Alliance, Chairman

13.30 – 14.00 Introducing the Polish Space Technology Platform activities

Bartosz Buszke Polish Space Technology Platform, Chairman

14.00 – 14.30 Presentation about the Slovenian space activities

Dr. Ales Mihelic Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology,

General Director

14.30 – 15.00 Romanian space activities

Ms. Anca-Liana Racheru Project manager for ESA related Technology and SME activities

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break

15.30 – 16.00 The Hungarain Space Office and the SMEs of the national

space industry

Dr. Előd Both Hungarian Space Office, Director

16.00 – 16.30 The contribution of the Hungarian Space Cluster to the

future of industrial co-operation with ESA

Dr. Pál Bárczy Hungarian Space Cluster, Chairman

A Magyar Űrklaszter tagja a HUNAGI tagi éd partneri köréből a MÜI, GeoAdat Kft és a GeoIQ Kft.

Minkó Melinda (HUNSpace) összefoglalása az eseményről:
On November 10, 2009, the second European Space SME conference was held in Budapest hosted by the Hungarian Space Cluster, with the presence of representatives of many European industrial actors.
The goal of the Workshop was to make a point of SME status in space projects in Europe with a special focus on new entrant countries.
The Workshop was sponsored by the Hungarian Space Cluster and by the National Office for Research and Technology of Hungary.
The outcome of the Workshop was relevant both in terms of the maturity reached by the local space industries and the needs for a true support policy from EU and ESA for Space SMEs.
Among the attendees, beside the representatives of SME4SPACE, also executives from EADS Astrium as testimonials of large system integrators interest in a strategic involvement of SMEs in large space projects. All the presentations will be available at the following link
The next SME4SPACE Conference will be held in spring 2010 in Belgium.

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