

Minden ami alkalmas térbeli adat infrastruktúra komponensnek, az hasznos a helyi kormányzatok számára is

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LinkedIN Group: Government Open Source Software Resource Center (GOV-OSS-RC) (200+ members)
Subject: New comment (4) on "Geospatial opensource tools and freely available spatial data in use by local governments. HUNAGI Conference scheduled for 25th February 2010 in Budapest"
@Gabor any product able to fit as a SDI component is adequate for public authorities.
You'll find a lot of GIS/SDI references at OSOR.eu, i.e.: http://www.osor.eu/communities/gis
And the other obvious reference is OSGeo, i.e.: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Case_Studies
Posted by Ismael Olea

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