

Egy 10 perces világbanki on-line felméréshez térinformatikai szakértők válaszait várják

Címbeli GSDI felhívás a  mai postánkból:
Dear GIS or SDI Specialist,
World Bank personnel are hosting a workshop at GSDI 12 in Singapore in October (http://gsdi.org/gsdi12) that will explore the need for a pragmatic HOW TO GUIDE. The proposed guide would explicitly address the needs of developing countries in implementing and maintaining spatial data infrastructure at the sub-national and national levels.
As input to the workshop, they would like to have your responses to a short survey.
The short 10 question survey is found at http://www.gsdi.org/survey/index.php?sid=14255&lang=en
It should take less than ten minutes to complete for the typical respondent. Responses will remain anonymous unless you desire to divulge your identity and contact information to World Bank staff.
We greatly value your input and appreciate your help.
GSDI staff acting for World Bank GIS Staff

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