

A földmegfigyelési üzlet jelenlegi és várható kilátásai

Egy héttel a visegrádi Űripari Műhely előtt, Párizsban rendeznek űrhetet, melynek két napját a földmegfigyelés üzleti világának szentelik. Mai postánkban Lorraine Whitfield írja:
"Last chance to register to the 2nd Symposium on EO Business Only 1 week to go !
The 2nd Symposium on Earth Observation Business, held at the Westin Paris this Thursday September 9 and Friday September 10, is a unique forum for the EO community to present and discuss current and future trends, challenges and opportunities.
 Following last year’s success, the conference has been extended to 2 days to offer additional panels for a more in depth approach. As of today, the 2010 edition already counts over 150 registered CEOs and other top executives from 25 different countries. 
Key speakers include:

Matt O’Connell, CEO, GeoEye 
Eric Beranger, CEO, Astrium Services 
John Hornsby, President, MDA GSI 
Marcello Maranesi, CEO, e-GEOS
Wolfgang Biedermann, CEO, RapidEye
Mark Ashwell, VP for Intern. Strategy, DigitalGlobe
Rani Hellerman, Director Bus. Dev., ImageSat International 
Miguel Bello Mora, Managing Director, Deimos Space
Dave Hodgson, Managing Director, DMCii 
Nicolay Sevastyanov, Gene. Designer, Gazprom Space Systems
Murthy Remilla, Director, Bus. Dev. , Antrix
Jean–Jacques Favier, President, Blue Planet (E-Corce) 
Don Thoma, Executive VP, Iridium 
Karyn Hayes–Ryan, Dir., Cial Imagery, Data & Prog. Group, NGA
Tomaz Lovrencic, Director, EUSC
Group Captain Ian Wood, Officer Commanding JARIC, UK MoD
Ret Lt Col, Jerry Brooks, Dir., Space ISR Innovations, Pentagon

Charles S. Baker, Deputy Assistant Administrator, NOAA 
Ernst Koenemann, Dir. of Program Dev., Eumetsat
José Achache, Director, GEO Secretariat
Randell, President & CEO, C-Core 
Mark Tondriaux, CEO, Spot Infoterra 
Jesús B. Serrano, CEO, GMV 
Jan Petter Pederson, VP Bus. Dev., Kongsberg Satellite
Mathieu Benoit, Director, EO, ViaSat GeoTechnologies
Ed Parsons, Geospatial Technologist, Google 
Jean–Paul Xavier, Remote Sensing Deputy, Total
Sir Martin Sweeting, Chairman, SSTL
Cary W. Ludtke, VP & GM Civil & Operation, Ball Aerospace
Luigi Pasquali, Deputy CEO, Thales Alenia Space 
Ed Irvin, VP, International, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Bruno Le Stradic, Director of EO & Science, Astrium Satellites 
Alain Bories, SVP Strategy and Bus. Dev., OHB Technology

Already confirmed attendees: CEOs and executives from companies including

Arianespace – Astrium Satellites – Astrium Services – Astrium Space Transportation – 
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation – Blom ASA – Blue Planet – 
Boeing Satellite Systems International– Canadian Space Agency – CLS – CNES – 
DigitalGlobe – DOC/NOAA/Office of Space Commercialization – EARSC – EADS DS – 
European Space Imaging – ESA – Fugro NPA – Gazprom Space Systems – Geo212 – 
GeoEye – Groupe Parlementaire sur l’Espace – Harris Corporation – Infoterra – 
Japan Space Imaging – JSC Russian Space Systems – Lockheed Martin – MDA – 
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. – Mubadala – NEC Toshiba Space Systems – NGA – Northrop Grumman 
– OHB Systems – Orbital Sciences Corporation – RUAG Space – Russian Space Systems JSC 
– Skybox Imaging – Space Foundation – Space Systems Finland – Spacemetric – Spot Image 
– Spot Infoterra – Surrey Satellite Technology – Telespazio SPA – Tesat Spacecom 
– Thales Alenia Space – Yuzhnoye SDD
We look forward to welcoming you to Paris next Thursday.Lorraine Whitfield
Head of Summits

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