

60 ország 65o szakembere vett részt a GSDI-12 konferencián!

Postánkból (november 10):
"The GSDI 12 World Conference closed last week to resounding success. In total 650 registrants - representing over 60 nations from across all continents - attended the conference. The exhibition showcase featured 25 organisations. The event was a success on many counts - from the excellent presentations by the various world renowned speakers, to the various opportunities for networking both on a social and professional front, to the myriad of products and services in the exhibition showcase.
Please visit the website http://gsdi12.multiply.com/ to view the conference photos.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in this event. We hope that you have enjoyed the conference and a wonderful experience staying in Singapore.  
Please feel free to contact me should you require any post event assistance.
Yours sincerely
Joanne Tan
Registrant Secretariat
GSDI 12 World Conference"

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