

Prof. Michael Goodchild a Jack és Laura Dangermond földrajzprofesszori elismerés első kitüntetettje

Prof. Michael Goodchild at the Digital Earth Summit's Panel Discussion in Potsdam. Image: HUNAGI, 2008
Mai postánkból. Prof. Wang Changlin, az ISDE (Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság) titkárságvezetője, az IJDE szerkesztője arról tájéoztatta a szervezet végrehajtó bizottsági tagjait, hogy tagtársunk az USBS NCGIA vezetője, a földrajzi információ tudomány úttörője elsőként nyerte el Jack and Laura Dangermond (az Esri alapítói) által létrehívott földrajzprofesszori kitüntetését. A hír magyar vonatkozásai között említendő, hogy az adományozó Jack Dangermond, a Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem kitüntetetje is, ahol előadás tartott, de részt vett 2002-ben a HUNAGI és EUROGI által rendezett GSDI-6 konferencián is. A Jack and Laura Dangermond földrajzprofesszori elismeréssel most kitüntetett Michael Goodchild tanszéke a santa-barbarai Kalifornia Egyetemen dolgozta ki az NCGIA tananyag-magot, melynek honi adaptálását és hazai vonatkozásokat tartalmazó kötettel való kiegészítését Prof. Márkus Béla és csapata végezte el.(Egy személyes élmény, hogy a magyar kiadás egy frissen megjelent példányát a Landsat-6 felbocsájtása idején 1993 őszén átadhattam Santa Barbarában).

"Dear all ISDE Executive Committee Members,
I am very glad to see a news that Prof. Mike Goodchild appointed to Endowed Chair (see below), which again shows the recongition of his achievement in Geographical Information Sciences. I would like, on behalf of ISDE secretariat and all ISDE members, to congratulate him for this appointment. I am sure all of us are very proud of having such a world famous scientist in our EC.
Best regards
WANG Changlin
Goodchild Appointed to Endowed Chair
updated: Dec 02, 2010, 10:27 AM

Source: UCSB

UC Santa Barbara Professor Michael Goodchild, a global pioneer in geographic information science, is the first scholar appointed to the Jack and Laura Dangermond Professorship in geography.

The Dangermonds established the endowed chair with a major philanthropic gift to advance the development of geographic information system technology in an academic environment. They are co-founders of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., a leading developer of geographic information systems software.

UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang expressed his sincere gratitude to the Dangermonds for their long-term philanthropic leadership and their generous commitment to support geographic information science education and research. "The Jack and Laura Dangermond Chair will advance research and discovery at the frontiers of geography, continuously and richly expanding our understanding of the world," he said. "Our campus is proud that Professor Goodchild, one of the world's leading scientists in geospatial analysis and modeling, will be the inaugural chair holder."

A native of England, Goodchild earned a doctorate in geography in 1969 at McMaster University in Canada. Soon after, he began his research in the emerging field of geographic information science, a name he invented. Goodchild came to UCSB in 1988 to direct the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA). His groundbreaking research has resulted in the development of new analytic methods for the integration and analysis of very large spatial databases.

Goodchild, who serves as director of UCSB's Center for Spatial Studies, said: "This endowed chair is a great honor for me. I've worked with Jack and Laura Dangermond and their company over several decades. They have been very generous already in their support of UCSB with student scholarships and an annual Dangermond lecture. This chair is wonderful additional recognition of their relationship with UCSB, and of the increasing importance of geography in the world."

Endowed chairs are highly prized academic positions that enable a university to attract and retain distinguished scholars and to develop more fully a field of study by providing ongoing financial support for enhanced research and instruction.

"The Geography Department is extremely excited about the Dangermond Chair, the first endowed professorship established in the history of the department," said Dar Roberts, department chair. "Jack and Laura Dangermond have, and continue to play, an incredibly important role in the discipline. They have been long-term supporters of the department, contributing to continued excellence in undergraduate and graduate training at many levels. It is entirely appropriate that the first professor to be awarded the chair is Dr. Mike Goodchild."

Goodchild, who recently was elected a member of Britain's prestigious Royal Society, is described by the world's oldest scientific academy as "the unchallenged global leader of Geographic Information Science." His other accolades include election to the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Royal Society of Canada. In addition, he received a Founder's Medal from the Royal Geographical Society for his contributions to geographic information science, and an Award of Distinction for Exceptional Scholarly Contribution to Cartography from the Canadian Cartographic Association. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a gold medalist of the Royal Geographical Society.

At UCSB, Goodchild has served as director of both the NCGIA and the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science. He was also associate director of the Alexandria Digital Library Project, a globally distributed geo-referenced digital library in the University Library's Map & Imagery Laboratory. Goodchild is the author of more than 15 books and 400 articles, and chair of the National Science Foundation's advisory committee on Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences.

Important Conference:
The 7th International Symposium on Digital Earth
August 23-25,2011,Perth,Australia; URL: www.isde7.net

WANG Changlin, Prof. Dr.
Secretariat Director, International Society for Digital Earth
Executive Editor, International Journal of Digital Earth (SCI Expanded)
Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Room A708, No. 9 Deng Zhuang Nan Lu, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China
Tel: 86-10-82178196, Email: wcl@ceode.ac.cn, wcl.ceode@gmail.com
ISDE WEBsite: http://www.digitalearth-isde.org
IJDE Paper Online Submission: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijde"

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