

Térinformatika és földművelés, a jövő farmja. Hozzá lehet szólni a Kölni Nyilatkozathoz

Mai postánkból. Részletek a folytatásban, illetve a címsorra klikkelve érhetőek el.
"Dear friends,
European projects FutureFarm, agriXchange, CAPIGI-network organised last year together conference GeoFARMatics 2010 in Cologne. The output from this conference is Cologne declaration. This document we see as document open for further discussion and we would like ask you for contribution.

You can discuss this document online on agriXchange LinkedIn group

This document will be also discussed on Prague EFITA/WCCA
congress (
http://www.efita2011.cz/, http://www.linkedin.com/groups/WCCA-EFITA-2011-3415437?trk=myg_ugrp_ovr),
where we expect, that will base for future output from the congress.
We would like invite you to the discussion and also to promoting of Cologne
Thank you
Karel Charvat
agriXchange and EFITA/WCCA conference team"

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