

Regionális GEO konferencia az Isztambuli Műegyetemen az ISPRS és három EU projekt szervezésében

18th November 2011
ITU Social Facility, Conference Room 

Prof. Orhan Altan, ITU
Prof. Petros Patias, OBSERVE Project Coordinator
Prof. Vladimir Crnojevic, BalkanGEONet Project Coordinator
Prof. Stefano Nativi, EGIDA Project Coordinator
Prof. Ian Dowman
ISPRS First Vice President

Overview on EO, ISPRS and JBSIS
Keynote Speach

Mario Cornelis Vis
Adviser in charge of Science, Research and Technology

Towards an EU Space Policy
First Session
Dougles Cripe (presented by Hans Peter Plag)
GEO Secretariat Expert Staff

GEOSS S&T roadmap and its importance for Societal Benefits of the Balkans
Hans Peter Plag
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

Towards a GEOSS Stakeholder Network
Peter Zeil
Co-chair of GEO Capacity Building Committee

GEO Capacity Building Activities a platform for cooperation
Vojko Bratina
Research Programme Officer, EC 

Paolo Mazzetti
National Research Council of Italy -

The EGIDA Methodology
Stuart Marsh
Head, Geoscience Technologies, British Geological Survey

GMES and GEO for geohazard mitigation in the Balkans
Third Session
Nando Foppa
Deputy Head of Staff Office Climate Division, Swiss GCOS Office

The Role of Satellite Data within the National Climate Observing System (GCOS Switzerland)
Jay Pearlman

Socio-economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation
Francesco Sarti
Scientific Coordinator of Education and Training Activities, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, ESA

ESA Education and Training EO
Fourth Session
Vasillis Tritakis
Research Collaborator in the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens ESA Greece 

Athina Trakas
Director of European Services
Open Standards and the EO community from processes, applications and the value
Antti Jakobsson
EuroGeographics, Programmes Manager

European Location Framework and INSPIRE
Fifth Session
Stefano Nativi
National Research Council of Italy

EuroGEOSS:Brokering approach for the GCI
Joan Maso
CREAF: Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

GeoViQua: the quality challenges for GEOSS
Profs. Petros Patias, Vladimir Crnojevic, Stefano Nativi, Orhan Altan
Roundtable discussion - Conclusions and Follow-up

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