

Mobil GIS rendezvény felhívás külföldön

Megjelent a GEOconnexion honlapján az alábbi annotációval: 
" Let’s click GIS into gear! The fuel is the data, This is the slogan of the 3rd HUNAGI Conference devoted to Mobile GIS. The event will take place in Budapest on 21-23 March 2012. The theme will be discussed in four aspects: city-logistics, intelligent transportation systems, volunteered GI as well as Mobil GIS related data and services. Invited partner NGOs  includes the logistical, ITS and space industry cluster communities. The data share and interoperability will be emphasized by the national INSPIRE contact. Language will be Hungarian and English but translation will be provided. Invited speakers include UNOOSA, EUROGI, Coordinates and CAGI as well as experts of the FP7 LAPSI project, who will arrive for an Internal Thematic Session on Licensing hosted by HUNAGI after the Conference. For more information contact: hunagi@hunagi.hu.

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