

Hogyan segíti a GMES az új tagországokat?

Mai postánkból. Éjfél után, Simon Vrecar, az EUROGI vezetőségi tagja továbbította terjesztésre a következő levelet és csatolmányát:
"You may find attached the conclusions and recommendations of the round table “How will GMES benefit the New Member States?” which was held in the beginning of May in BucharestRomania. Please distribute the information to your members especially those who contributed to the small survey which I initiated before the event."
"Conclusions and Recommendations: How will GMES benefit New Member States?
Dear colleagues,
In the framework of the ESA/EC/Eurisy/ROSA conference “GMES: New Opportunities for Eastern Europe”, held on 3-4 May 2012 in Bucharest, Eurisy organised a roundtable to discuss the potential benefits of GMES for end-users (local/regional authorities and SMEs in particular), and measures to stimulate demand and the growth of the downstream sector.
Please find attached the Conclusions and Recommendations of this roundtable.
The Eurisy Secretariat
Phone no.: 33 1 47 34 00 79
94 bis Avenue de Suffren - 75015 Paris - France"


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