

EU projekteredmények bemutatása az INSPIRE konferencián

A hírnök a csata után érkezett. Mai postánkból. Dr. Raffaele De Amicis figyelemfelhívása mindazon érdekelteknek, akik részt vesznek a most folyó ez évi INSPIRE konferencián:
"You are kindly invited to join the workshop, titled “From Smart Cities to Smart Territories”, that Fondazione Graphitech has organised in the context of the INSPIRE 2012 Conference (Istanbul, Turkey - http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2012/) on June 24 at 9.00, room Emirgan Hall 2.
During the workshop Fondazione Graphitech will present the result of the EC-funded projects SMART-ISLANDS, BRISEIDE, i-SCOPE and i-Tour
1.    Paving the way to smarter cities – Dr Raffaele De Amicis, Fondazione Graphitech (Italy)
2.    Smart services for the benefit of small communities: the examples of Mediterranean island – Prof. Marc Bonazountas, Epsilon (Greece)
3.    Improving urban mobility through smart city services – Dr Giuseppe Conti
, Fondazione Graphitech (Italy) 
4.    Example of a smart service infrastructure for environmental management – Dr. Federico Prandi, Fondazione Graphitech (Italy) 
5.    New needs in knowledge management and use and new concept for training and capacity building for smart territorial "embedding"  – Dr Giorgio Saio, GISIG (Italy).
6.    The role of CityGML within Smart Cities initiatives - Dr Carsten Roensdorf, Ordnance Survey (UK)

We look forward to meeting you at INSPIRE 2012 conference."
Dr. Eng. Raffaele De Amicis
Fondazione Graphitech, Director
GraphicsMedia.net , Vice President
Nato Country Gepsus Project Director
Briseide EU Project Coordinator
i-Scope  EU Project Coordinator
Vision   EU Project Coordinator
A Graphitech lenne a HUNAGI partnere a NASA Ames WorldWind EU Challenge projektben:

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