

A nyíltforrású World Wind fejlesztői környezet Nyári Iskola harmadik napja

Fiatal magyar résztvevők négy hazai egyetemről.
Program a terv szerint:

WWJ project designs in higher education - Thomas Bartoschek Institute for Geoinformatics, Münster, Germany and Prof.Dr. Johanes Schöning, UCL, London, UK & Hasselet University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Continue work in same 5 groups on the group’s project design.
Presentation of the projects (12 minutes each)
Final Discussions:
  1. Finalize qualifying project criteria for NASA WW Europa Challenge – Discussion led by Raffaele de Amicis, Gregor Berginc, Patrick Hogan
  2. How to connect the needs of the European government institutions and corporations with the Europa Challenge - Discussion led by Gabor Remetey
  3. How to communicate the Europa Challenge to the European academic community - Discussion led by Maria Brovelli

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