

Átfogó dokumentum az indiai térinformatikai politikáról

A dokumentum társzerzője a GSDI szervezet korábbi vezetőségi tagja, a budapesti GSDI-6 konferencia résztvevője, míg a Bangaloreban GSDI-7 konferencia házigazdája volt az ISRO részéről. Ma egy kormányzati gondolkodó intézet munkatársa.
Kate Lance írja GSDI körlevelében:

Perspectives for a National GI Policy (including a national GI Policy draft)
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (GOI) sponsored National GI Policy Project
Mukund Rao & K R Sridhara Murthi
National Institute of Advanced Studies (September 2012)

The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) took up the National GI Policy Project and brought out this report – even going ahead to propose a draft National GI Policy. The report is the outcome of the work undertaken by NIAS Project team and also is based on detailed consultations held with many experts. NIAS also organised a National GI Policy Roundtable where experts debated various issues and a set of recommendations were arrived at.
From the Indian context, the immediate goal is to develop National GIS as a system to make nation-wide, seamless, standardized GI easily available, accessible, usable and, thereby, bringing value-benefit to the nation in better governance/development; developing GI commerce activities and serving to citizens g-services (GIS-enabled e-services).
This is a first of its kind report on National GI Policy in India – comprehensively covering imaging, mapping, surveying, GIS and positioning a holistic policy perspective for National GIS. The report has built a foundation for the National GI Policy and many a details may still have gaps to be addressed. The report was submitted to the Department of Science and Technology (DST), which is responsible for taking the next steps to formalize the Policy.
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