

International Geospatial Society: Délafrikai-ausztrál páros kapta a több szavazatot a nyugatindiai-magyar páros ellenében az elnöki posztra

Ma hozták nyilvánosságra a Nemzetközi Térinformatikai Társaság (IGS) tisztségviselőinek választási  eredményét. A következő időszakra megválasztott elnök az ausztrál Pauydal lett, míg az azt követő periódusra a délafrikai Siver Govendert választották, aki a novemberi GSDI14 konferencia egyik szervezője, az EIS-AFRICA szervezet ügyvezető igazgatója. (A HUNAGI is érintett volt a szavazásban. Főtitkárát az IGS elnöki posztjára Prof. David Coleman, a GSDI elnöke jelölte). Íme az értesítő körlevél:

"To all members of the International Geospatial Society:
I am pleased to announce the results of the recent IGS election in the message below.  I would like to congratulate the new IGS President Govender and President-elect Paudyal, as well as recognize & thank Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp and Bheshem Ramlal for agreeing to stand as candidates as well.
Finally, my thanks to all IGS members who made the time to vote in this online election.  Your interest and action is appreciated.
Best wishes,
-- David
Dr. David Coleman, President
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association
Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of New Brunswick


Sives Govender, Executive Director, EIS-Africa, has been elected President of the International Geospatial Society and the new President-elect is Dev Raj Paudyal, Lecturer (Surveying and Spatial Science) in the Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, Surveying and Spatial Science, at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia.

"It is a huge honour and privilege to be elected to the executive of IGS and I intend to give my full energy to ensuring that our Society grows in profile and membership during my term. I also look forward to working with Dev and all our current IGS members as we will need your collective support to build a Society we can all be proud to be members of. Thanks again to all of you." - Sives Govender.

"I am indebted to the nominating committee for putting my name forward as one of the nominees and selecting me as a candidate for the position of President-elect of the International Geospatial Society (IGS). I would like to thank members of the IGS who  voted for me and provided me this great opportunity to serve this society. Now a great responsibility is on my shoulders, and my first task will be to examine the outputs of the IGS 2010 survey and prepare early plans and priorities to make IGS a true globally recognisable geospatial society." - Dev Raj Paudyal.

Find out more about your new President and President-elect from their biographical entries in the GIKNetwork athttp://www.giknet.org/registry/individual.php?id=358 for Sives andhttp://www.giknet.org/registry/individual.php?id=430 for Dev.

The newly elected officers will occupy their posts through 31 December 2014, at which time the President-elect, who also serves as vice-President during this period, takes on the role of President. Our best wishes to the newly elected officers and may we grow the IGS membership over the coming months under their leadership.

The International Geospatial Society is the individual membership arm of the GSDI Association and seeks individuals for membership that have geospatial, SDI, GIS or related professional or specialist interests. The Society enhances communications globally among individuals that are actively involved in promoting, developing, or advancing spatial data infrastructure and related concepts. arm of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association. As of 30 March 2013, IGS had 264 active members.

Geospatial-Society mailing list

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