

Tudományos eredmények hasznosítása a politikai döntéshozatalban

Kate Lance (Yale Egyetem) írja a GSDI jogi és gazdasági-társadalmi hatások bizottság szakértői rovatában adta közre ma az alábbi felhívást:
International symposium on Science and Policy Advice
5-6 September 2013 
Copenhagen, Denmark
How can scientific results best be used in the political decision making? The Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters is organising an international symposium focusing on this question.  Politicians may often have legitimate expectations for clear and simple answers to the questions being discussed politically at a given time because they must take decisions, but science explores the frontiers of knowledge, where answers are uncertain and can only be corroborated by detailed studies and broad discussion of complex questions. As such, the interaction between politicians and scientists may often involve expectation gaps between the parties.
This theme will be discussed by politicians and scientists. Participation is open to all interested in the theme. However, attendance will be limited to 80 participants. Registration is open for foreign participants, whereas Danish participants may register by 10 August 2013.

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