


Marilyn Gallant, a Globális Téradat-infrastruktúra Társulás (GSDI Association) kincstárnoka éves tagdíjfelszólító levelében hasznos és naprakész tájékoztatást ad a szervezet tagsági előnyeiről valamint a novemberi GSDI 14 konferencia előadáskötetének elérhetőségéről is. Külön figyelmet érdemel a Nemzetközi Térinformatikai Társaság a GSDI egyéni tagjait tömörítő IGS szervezet honlapjának linkje, valamint a GIKNET hálózat, amely a szakterület egyfajta e-tartalom tudásbázisa épül. 

"I am writing to let you know that it is time for Hungarian Association
for Geo-information (HUNAGI) to renew membership in the GSDI
Association. As a GSDI member your organization played a vital role in
helping to make the past year a great success.

*Activities and Benefits*

Without the base support of our organization members the numerous
newsletter, grant, workshop and conference programs and activities that
we provide to the global community would not be possible.

The organization continued publication of the monthly GSDI and IGS
Global News to supplement the regional newsletters, wrapped up a round
of small grants for worthy projects in developing nations, made
substantial improvements to the Geographic Information Knowledge
Network, and increased many fold the number of members in the
International Geospatial Society through the provision of services in
lieu of dues program (See http://www.igeoss.org/members). The executive
committee is currently engaged in a very active strategic planning
process which should result in visible changes to the operations of the
organization with greatly enhanced opportunities for active involvement
by members.

A highlight of the past year was the GSDI 14 World Conference integrated
with the AfricaGIS conference and held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in
November (See the Proceedings at
http://www.gsdi.org/gsdiconf/gsdi14/prog_details.html) Due to the high
caliber and profile of international and local presentations, excellent
facilities, well-attended workshops and strong management, many
participants claimed the combined conference was the best the African
GIS community has ever witnessed. We heartily thank all of you and all
additional sponsors that made the conference a great success.

The GSDI Association Annual Report, highlighting the activities of the
Association, its Committees, updates on the conferences, capacity
building, etc. for the period May 2012 to December 2013 is available for
download at: http://memberservices.gsdi.org/files/1454

Check out the listing of additional membership benefits at
http://memberservices.gsdi.org/files/846. As noted in the last
paragraph, government agencies from developing nations now have the
option to join the organization free by providing services in lieu of
cash dues. Those services include providing an agency profile and a
report on the agency's SDI Implementation Experiences in the GIKNetwork
(See http://giknet.org).

The entire GSDI Board would like to extend a heartfelt thanks for your
past support and encourage you to play a primary role again as GSDI
moves forward into another productive year serving our members and our
peers across the globe."

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