

ICSU CODATA: Big Data a nemzetközi tudományos programokban. A pekingi műhely nyilatkozat ajánlásokkal és akciókkal.

Mai postánkból. Prof Changling WANG küldte meg a Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság tagszervezeti képviselőinek a  Dr Simon Hodson CODATA ügyvezető igazgatójának ICSU körlevelét a múlt heti pekingi műhely eredményéről. 

"Big Data for International Scientific Programmes: A Statement of Recommendations and Actions
News from the CODATA_International eNewsList follows from here:
Convened by CODATA and co-sponsored by a number of important international organisations, the International Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes took place on 8-9 June in Beijing, aiming to shed light on the potential role of Big Data in such international and interdisciplinary research activities.
As a first, practical step towards focusing attention on the potential of Big Data for international scientific programmes, the workshop participants and sponsoring organisations, have agreed and published a Statement of Recommendations and Actions http://codata.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CODATA-Big-Data-Workshop-STATEMENT-v07-FINAL.pdf
Further information about the Statement  and the Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes is available on the CODATA Blog http://codata.org/blog/2014/06/16/big-data-for-international-scientific-programmes-a-statement-of-recommendations-and-actions/- the workshop programme is also available http://codata.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CODATA-Workshop-on-Big-Data-Programme-Book.pdf
Soron következő nemzetközi konferencia a Tudományos adatokról:
(SciDataCon 2014): http://www.scidatacon2014.org/submissions "

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