

Eredményhírdetés a WWEC 2014 pályázat KKV kategóriájában.

Mai postánkból: Patrick Hogan, a NASA World Wind projekt menedzsere bejelentette a mintegy 20 tagú nemzetközi zsűri értékelésének eredményét. A díjátadásra az INSPIRE konferencián kerül sor ezen a héten Aalborgban. 
We have two winners!  We have a tie between i-SCOPE and eLocust3D. This speaks well to the high caliber of quality for these two applications which are both serving the international community, i-SCOPE to Europe for the EC, and eLocust3D throughout northern Africa, Arabia and the Middle East for the UN/FAO. It is very encouraging to see such extraordinary world leadership for sustainable solutions that these applications clearly demonstrate. Graphitech and Trilogis will be receiving the Europa Challenge crystal bull award being presented at the INPSIRE conference by Dr. Raffaele de Amicis to Grapitech’s Dr. Raffaele de Amicis (mentor) and Marco Soave (developer) as well as to Trilogis’ Dr. Giuseppe Conti (mentor) and their developers, Nicola Dorigatti and Nicola Meneghini.

For this year’s INSPIRE Europe Challenge:


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