

EUROGI a Facebookon.

Mai postánkból: Simon Vrecar főtitkár  adta közre az alábbi körlevelet, melyet tagjaink és partnereink figyelmébe ajánlunk. 
"You are kindly invited to support the increase of EUROGI visibility by sharing this information to your members.
As you have been informed there are 2 pages on Facebook maintained by EUROGI

·         EUROGI FB page https://www.facebook.com/eurogi.org
·         IMAGINE FB page https://www.facebook.com/imagine2014.eu

In case you are using Facebook as a social network you are kindly invited to ‘Like’ these pages and invite your FB Friends to ‘Like? them as well.
Please share this information with your members and colleagues as well. Thank you for your cooperation!"
Az EUROGI honlapja: www.eurogi.org

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