

Előremutató intézményi változások a finn geodéziai, földügyi és agrárinformatikai szakirányításban!

Előremutató intézményi változások a finn geodéziai, földügyi és agrárinformatikai szakirányításban! (Talán helytálló az a vélemény, hogy mindez a magyar modell felé mutat)
Prof.Dr. Zentai László (ELTE TGT) osztotta meg a HUNAGI közösségével az alábbi sajtóhírt:
"RELEASE October 15th, 2014 
Contractual and cooperation partners of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Tike)

Merger of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the National Land Survey of Finland as of 1 January 2015

The President of the Republic has on 27 June 2014 ratified the legislation regarding the merger of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the functions of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Tike) with the National Land Survey of Finland as of 1.1.2015 (statute numbers 580/2014 and 581/2014). The Finnish Geodetic Institute as such and the ICT development functions of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry which provides information services for the administrative sector of the ministry will be merged with the National Land Survey.
Through the merger, the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will cease to exist as independent agencies. The operations and services of both the Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will continue without interruption during the transition.
The existing contracts, with rights and obligations, of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will be transferred directly to the National Land Survey, by virtue of Section 3 of the Act on the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Geodetic Institute (581/2014), without reassignment of contracts.
As a result of the merger, the billing and contact information of the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will change. Contractual partners will be separately notified of the changes in December 2014.
The aim of the merger is to enhance the development of a geographic information infrastructure by intensifying the connections between research, ICT development and support services in the geographic information field. Another goal of the merger is to harmonise ICT services with the help of a service centre and thus achieve cost savings and increase the interoperability of data systems and the shared use of information within the administrative sector. The current functions of the NLS, property formation, registration issues, and updating topographic data, will not be significantly affected by the reform.
For more information, see

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