

Drónok, UAV/UAS eszközök a civil légtérben - az EDPS állásfoglalásai és szakanyaga

Belényessy Zsuzsanna, az Európai Adatvédelmi Felügyelet (EDPS) munkatársa mai figyelemfelhívása alapján, keresés eredménye az EDPS honlapján:
  • Opinions (score: 79%) occurrence : 2
  • Opinion of 26 November on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on “A new era for aviation - Opening the aviation market to the civil use of remotely piloted aircraft systems in a safe and sustainable manner” ... cat-10257 ... cat-10122 ... cat-10085 ... Drones ... ...
  • Events (score: 35%) occurrence : 1
  • Every year the CPDP gathers in Brussels policy makers, academics, computer scientists, consultants, practitioners and activists from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss emerging issues in information technology, privacy, data protection and law. This year's edition of the conference is entitled "Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2013: Reloading Data Protection". It will provide a forum to discuss such important topics as cyberwar, internet freedom and introduction of drones in the EU civilian airspace. The conference will also provide a forum to review the key debates surrounding the proposed data protection regulation. Members of the EDPS secretariat will take part to panel discussions. Giovanni Buttarelli in the opening panel will speak about the proposed data protection regulation, while Peter Hustinx will provide the concluding notes of the conference. Programme ... true ... ...
  • [pdf] ...ltation/Opinions/2014/14-11-26_Opinion_RPAS_EN.pdf (score: 4%)
  • 5. The Communication's objective is to open the aviation market to the use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (hereinafter "RPAS" or "drones") to civil uses, as opposed to military uses. The Communication therefore identifies the most common possible civil uses, such as infrastructure monitoring and photography or even transport of goods and people, and insists on the importance of enabling
    development and European industries. 7. The EDPS notes the choice made by the Commission to refer to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems7 (hereinafter "RPAS"), to designate what is commonly known as drones. We also note that the Communication focuses on RPAS which are a sub- 5Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12, Digital Rights Ireland Ltd v Minister for
    data must comply with the national data protection rules in that jurisdiction. This may have consequences for transnational operated drones, in particular as regards the question of whether the drone is used as equipment as a means for processing personal data on EU territory. For further guidance, see Article 29 Working Party Opinion 8/2010 on applicable law, adopted on 16.12.2010. 31 Case...
  • [pdf] ...on/Priorities/14-06-03_Inventory2_June_2014_EN.pdf (score: 2%)
  • formal comment at a later stage. 60 EDPS will issue an opinion MOVE Transport Communication of the Commission on the opening of the aviation market to the civil use of remotely piloted aircraft systems in a safe and sustainable manner. 2nd Quarter 2014 Ensure than remotely piloted aircraft systems (drones) can safely and securely fly in the European skies in non-segregated airspace. The...

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