

Jegyzetek a 4. GEOSS Műhelyről / Short notes from the 4th GEOSS Workshop

.......typing handwritten notes and upload in progress as time and internet connectivity allows.....

Bob Chen  and  Greg Yetman CIESIN, Columbia University
Chair and speaker of the Plenary on Thursday
The report on the Kick-off Meeting of the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Project (AIP-8) as well as the Summaries on the 3rd and 4th GEOSS Workshops  will be presented at the IDIP Meeting scheduled for 27 March. The general message for the GEOSS Plenary and Ministerial Meeting will be  drafted and finalized in the next days or weeks.
The XII Plenary and Ministerial Summit will be held in Mexico City, between 9-13 November 2015 under the slogan „Observing Earth to Benefit Society: Advocate, Engage and Deliver”.
As just circulated in a recent GEO leaflet, the Group on Earth Observation (GEO ) the global, voluntaly intergovernmental partnership  has 97 member governments and 87 Participating Organisation (including GSDI). GEO coordinative body facilitates the sharing  of data and other knowledge derived from Earth Observations across a range of essential benefit areas. It is establishing the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enable and integrated understanding of this knowledge across disciplines and to inform decisions at critical level. The Plenary and Ministerial Summit has the following invitation message for the members and participating organisations:
-       - join to identif and deliver the value of shared EO data,
-       - provide tangible benefits to your population
-       - engage in shaping the future of Earth observation.
(I had the chance to have a breakfast with Scientific Officer Dr. Douglas Cripe (responsible for benefit areas Water, Oceans, Health, who participated the IGIT2015 in Székesfehérvár, Hungary in January 2015), which gave excellent opportunity for exchange of information and provide updates in bilateral GEO-Hungary relation as well (New Director on top of HSO,  accession of Hungary to ESA, Sustainable Environment-related Office established at the State President, mentioning, the appointed director Mr. Körösi in his former capacity as Ambssador to the UN was Co-chairing the Working Group prepared the UN’s long-term Strategic Plan on Sustainable Development). HUNAGI was asked to strengthen the information dissemination in the Hungarian EO/GI community including decision makers.) 
Although IDIP meeting is a closed one, GSDI/HUNAGI representative was welcomed to take part and contribute. This will be reported after the event.

Additional information on actions, events, opportunities:
The 4th International Conference on Agro-geoinformatics 2015
"IInformation for sustainable agriculture" Istanbul, 20-24 July, 2015  Sponsors include NASS, OGC, IEEE, GRSS, CAAS. Abstract submission date: April 1 (Az első három konferencia színhelyei Shanghai, Washington DC és Peking voltak)

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