

Néhány, a földmegfigyelési és térinformatikai közösségből eddig beérkezett Karácsonyi és Újévi üdvözletek közül

Tamara Ganina, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring
JSC “Russian Space Systems” (Roscosmos), Moscow
(Orosz űrfelvétel szolgáltató "ГЕОПОРТАЛ РОСКОСМОСА Сервис космических снимков" www.geoportal.ntsomz.ru)

The GEO Secretariat, Geneva
('Established in 2005, GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and organizations that envisions “a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information.” ' www.earthobservations.org)

WANG Changlin, Prof. Dr.
Director, International Academic Division
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Executive Director, International Society for Digital Earth

Executive Editor, International Journal of Digital Earth, International Society of Digital Earth, Beijing 
("Digital Earth is a global initiative to construct a comprehensive virtual representation of the planet. It is a collaborative effort between Earth sciences, space sciences and information sciences to monitor and forecast natural and human phenomena." www.digitalearth-isde.org )

Anneke Heylen, Joep Crompvoets Dr, EuroSDR, Leuven

("EuroSDR is a not-for-profit organisation linking National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies with Research Institutes and Universities in Europe for the purpose of applied research in spatial data provision, management and delivery." www.eurosdr.net)

Afrika Expo és Vásár, Budapest (www.afrikaexpo.hu)

Dr. Henning Sten Hansen, President, EUROGI
 "Hereby I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
EUROGI has been very active in 2015, being involved in EU projects, and by adopting a new membership structure to meet the challenges of a very dynamic Europe. We have had much emphasis on dialogue with our members, and we will continue this tradition next year..."  (www.eurogi.org)

Professor Dr. Manfred Ehlers, Chair, Competence Center for Geoinformatics - GiN, Director, Institute for Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing - IGF, University of Osnabrueck

Fekete Gábor, főigazgató, Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet 

Prof.Dr. Márkus Béla 

Bozó Pál 

Dr. Mihály Szabolcs

Team, Geospatial Media & Communications, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Domokos György és az Airbus DS Geo Hungary csapata, Budapest 

Prof.Dr. Milan Konecny, Lab Geoinformatics and Cartography, Dept. of Geography, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno

Giorgio Saio, President, GISIG Group, Genoa, Italy

Prof.Dr. Zentai László tanszékvezető és az ELTE TÉGETA (Térképészeti és Geoinformtikai Tanszék)

Dr. Kovács Antal Ferenc, szakértő, EC DG JRC Danube Region Data Services Infrastructure (DRDSI) Danube NET

Információ: drdsi.jrc.ec.europa.eu

Benjamin Hennig Dr., Senior Research Fellow in the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
Information: http://www.viewsoftheworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ChestnutCartogram.jpg

Prof. Dr. Herdon Miklós, Magyar Agrárinformatikai Szövetség elmöke és Elnöksége www.magisz.org

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