

A 2016. évi INSPIRE Konferencia felhívása

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INSPIRE Conference 2016: Call for presentations and workshops


5:30 PM (2 hours ago)

"Dear Colleagues,

Over the past decades the European Union has put in place a broad range of environmental legislation to protect, preserve and improve Europe's environment for present and future generations. However, many challenges persist and these must be tackled together in a structured way.

The 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP), guiding European environment policy until 2020, identifies the priority areas where more action is needed and ascertains INSPIRE as one of the instruments of the enabling framework to meet these goals.

INSPIRE is about efficiently sharing digital spatial data related to the environment between public authorities at all levels of government, across borders and with the public at large. Such requires effective coordination between all authorities involved and a high degree of legal and technical interoperability, which is also pursued in the context of the EU Digital Single Market.

As such, the INSPIRE Conference 2016, “INSPIRing a sustainable environment”, also aims to show how the implementation of INSPIRE contributes to the European Interoperability Framework and the EU's digital economy in general.

The INSPIRE Conference 2016 will take place in Barcelona, 26-30 September 2016
It will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing in particular on applications and implementations of INSPIRE, interoperability challenges and solutions, research issues and new and evolving technologies and applications and poster presentations

Call for presentations and workshops
You are invited to submit proposals for abstracts of presentations which will be delivered in thematic sessions or for workshops;

Details of the call and the topics covered are available on the INSPIRE Conference 2016 site

Kind regards,
The INSPIRE team"

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