

A Del Bianco CitySmart nyílt forráskódú alkalmazás premierje

Az alábbi hírt osztottam meg  az ISDE és GSDI szervezetekkel továbbá a GIM International szerkesztőségével. Az ISDE honlapjának azóta már vezető híre lett.
Del Bianco CitySmart – a virtual globe technology supported open source urban management solutions for SmartCities

"An open source web app, based on ESA/NASA World Wind virtual globe technology in the SmartCity domain will be presented for the first time in Florence, Italy on March 12 at the HERITAGE for PLANET EARTH event organized and hosted by the Del Bianco Foundation, www.fondazione-delbianco.org/
Del Bianco is funding two top international NASA Interns, one from Brazil and one from Mexico, to build this in line with the INSPIRE directive.
Information on the event: http://www.lifebeyondtourism.org/evento/946
More on the Open CitySmart  idea: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Opencitysmart
The history of the international NASA World Wind Europa Challenge now in its 5th year: http://eurochallenge.como.polimi.it/
For more information please contact
World Wind Project Manager"

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