

Felhívás OpenCitySmart alkalmazásra a NASA nyíltforrású virtuális földgömb technológia alkalmazásával

Suchith Anand prof Nottinghamből keltezett figyelemfelhívása a "GeoForAll" nyíltforrású térinformatika tudományos közössége nevében:

"Dear colleague,

On behalf of "GeoForAll", we would like to welcome strong global participation for the fifth edition of the NASA  Europa challenge 2017. The aim of this challenge is to inspire ideas for building great applications that serves the INSPIRE Directive and uses NASA’s open source virtual globe technology World Wind. Details at http://eurochallenge.como.polimi.it/ 

This NASA challenge attracts the best minds  to develop their ideas covering  a broad range of domains from transportation to air quality to linked data. Your challenge, simply build a great application that serves some aspect of the OpenCitySmart design [1],[2]  and uses NASA's open source virtual globe technology, WebWorldWind. By doing this you will advance a platform that allows every city to win! This challenge is open to all on our home planet. Details at http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/2017/01/invitation-to-nasa-citysmart-challenge-solutions-for-sustainable-cities-2/ 

We thank Maria Brovelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Patrick Hogan (NASA) for their efforts for this initiative which adds great momentum to our efforts to promote openness in education and research worldwide.

Please forward this mail to your students and SMEs and encourage them to participate. All the participants and mentors of Europa Challenge over the years are our GeoAmbassodors. We look forward to your strong participation for the NASA Europa Challenge 2017 and joining our mission to make geospatial education and opportunities available for all.

Best wishes,


Dr. Suchith Anand

GeoForAll – Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Opencitysmart 

Megjegyzés: hasonló figyelemfelhívást a tárgybeli lehetőségről már posztoltam, de közvetlenül is megküldtem a HUNAGI, BME és a Törökbálinti Önkormányzat illetékeseinek, másolatban a NFM Magyar Űrkutatási Irodának.

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