

EO4SDG távkonferencia GSDI részvétellel. Magyarországi vonatkozások.

Földmegfigyelési adatokkal, szolgáltatásokkal és alkalmazásokkal a Fenntartható Fejlődési Célok elérése szolgálatában. Az EO4SDG munkacsoport telecon ülése 2017. július 31-én. Az ülés házigazdája a GEO Titkárság volt a Székesfehérvárról is ismert Dr. Doug Cripe részvételével, az ülést Ms. Argie Kavvada (Booz-Allen&Hamilton, a NASA alvállalkozója) vezette. Az ülés résztvevői között voltak Greg Scott, az ENSZ Statisztikai részlegén működő GGIM Titkárság vezetője,  Bob Chen a CIESIN igazgatója, Marc Paganini (ESA és CEOS), Gary Foley (EPA, 100RC), Chu Ishida (JAXA, EOforCities), Adrian Strauch (Bonni Egyetem, GEO-Wetland). A GSDI képviseletében megfigyelőként vettem részt és az alábbi három témában adhattam egyeztetett írásos tájékoztatást, egyikükben magyarországi vonatkozásokkal.

"GSDI at the UN-GGIM Academic Network Forum
The Forum was hosted by the UN Headquarters in New York City on 31st July, 2017. Dave Lovell, President of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) representing as chair also the UNGGIM Geospatial Societies took part at the Panel Discussion on Potential Strategy and Workplan/Way Forward of the Forum arranged by the UN GGIM Academic Network. The Chair of UN-GGIM Academic Network, Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Director of the Centre of Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration at the University of Melbourne was former President of the GSDI Association. His Academic Network is the strategic knowledge, research and training arm of the UN Global Geospatial Information Management of the UN Statistical Division. He moderated the Forum’s session devoted to Sustainable Development Goals: major drivers, opportunities and challenges, while another active GSDI member Prof. Joep Crompvoets, Secretary-general of EuroSDR spoke about Good Governance for a Smart World in the session Land Tenure and Smart Future Cities. In the spatial Enablement and Requirements session the Legal and Policy Requirements were highlighted by Prof Harlan Onsrud, of University of Maine, former Executive Director of the GSDI Association.

GSDI prepares Liaison Report for the CEOS WGISS-44 Meeting
The 44th Plenary CEOS Working Group of Information Systems and Services chaired by NASA will be hosted by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences between September 25-28, 2017. GSDI Association prepares a Liaison Report focusing on the past 6 month’s developments and actions related to Agenda 2030, capacity building, engagement of decision makers and promoting best practices in applications, where Spatial Data Infrastructures, the use of geospatial data and interoperable services enable better governance. Special emphasis will be made to the just published special issue of the Geo-spatial Information Science guest edited by Prof. John von Genderen where among others Greg Scott of UN-GGIM and former GSDI President Prof Abbas Rajabifard, Chair of the UN-GGIM Academic Network wrote an article entitled “Sustainable development and geospatial information: a strategic framework integrating global policy agenda into national geospatial capabilities”. Taking into account, The fact that the paper entitled "Earth observation in service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was also published in the same issue of the Geo-spatial Information Science written by Katherine Anderson, Barbara Ryan, William Sonntag, Argyro Kavvada and Lawrence Friedl of the GEO Secretariat and the EO4SDGs team, both articles are an excellent reference how Geo-spatial and EO data & services are capable to support the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda. The report will shortly mention the ESA-NASA World Wind Europa Challenge 2017 hosted by Helsinki emphasizing the innovative developments using open source virtual globe technology in apps including smart cities.

GSDI supports SDGs-related awarness raising on national level
Three members of the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing MFTTT decided to launch a volunteer-based awareness campaigne in form of series of presentations on the challenges and opportunities of SDI support of the SDGs achievements on national level in order to strengthen stakeholder engagements.  Hon.Prof.. Szabolcs Mihály and Tamás Palya  (former and present national INSPIRE delegates) as well as Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp,former Secretary-general of HUNAGI and present member of GSDI Association are maintaining a steadily enhanced and updated working document adjustable for the purpose. So far the following events were used for the awareness campaign:
Day of the European Surveyors and Geoinformatics as initiated by CLGE
The Hungarian event was arranged by MFTTT and hosted by Ministry of Agriculture in Budapest on 22nd March, 2017 with the MFTTT-GSDI talk The challenges for the geospatial community driven by the UN Agenda 2030
GIS Open 2017, Óbuda University Alba Regia Technical Faculty, Székesfehérvár 11-13 April, 2017
8th Geoinformatics Conference and Exhibition Debrecen, May 25-26, 2017
XVIII th Meeting of Surveyors of the Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania Băile Tușnad, May 18-21, 2017
31. Roving Conference of the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing. Szekszárd, July 6-8
Mini-conference devoted to the 75th Anniversary of Prof. Béla Márkus. Óbuda University Alba Regia Technical Faculty, Székesfehérvár, July 11, 2017.
The presentations were delivered by Dr. Szabolcs Mihály except in the case of Debrecen, whereas Tamás Palya was the speaker.

Authentic information sources used by the GSDI member of the author team in the SDGs-related context include the GEO and CEOS WGISS plenaries, EO4SDG telecons and ISDE Symposium, where he was delegated by GSDI Association. The latest action was to establish a promising link with the Sustainable Development and Resources Research Center at the Public Service University in Budapest. We are convinced, interdisciplinary vision, strong stakeholder engagement, multi-agency partnership, interoperable geospatial data infrastructure and advanced fit for purpose capacity building are inevitable to reach effective support of the SDGs accomplishments."

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