

Éves összefoglaló a "Téradatok a Fenntartható Fejlődésért" témakörben a GEO EO4SDGs számára

A GEO EO4SDGs kezdeményezés múlt heti felkérésére, az MFTTT Fenntartható Fejlődési témakörben működő szerzői munkacsoportja ez évben is elkészítette augusztusi beszámolóját és azt határidőre megküldte a NASA Földtudományi részlegéhez, ahol az ENSZ Agenda 2030 végrehajtásával kapcsolatos GEO földmegfigyelési hozzájárulásának kezdeményezése keretében folyó nemzetközi együttműködést koordinálják. Íme a megküldött jelentés, amely még várhatóan szerkesztve lesz. A Kezdeményezés augusztus 29-én tartja soron következő webes tanácskozását.

"In Hungary, a committed team of volunteers lead by Prof. Dr. Szabolcs Mihály was mandated by the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) in 2017 to contribute to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals by promoting the use of geospatial and EO data among the stakeholders from government, academia and private sector to assist the monitoring and reporting of SDG targets and indicators.

This activity  inspired partly also by the GEO Initiative-18 and the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association, is fully in line with the SDG Target 17.16 „Multi-stakeholder Partnership” and during the past 20 months the team’s work achieved steadily increasing domestic, cross-border and international acknowledgement. Efforts aiming to emphasize the opportunities and challenges for the geospatial/EO data stakeholders and the related communications in the SDGs context include:

1.    A paper in English introducing the Hungarian institutional background related to GI/EO and Sustainable Development and giving an overview of the actions done in 2017 by delivering awareness raising presentations for stakeholders at eight professional events was published in the international scientific journal Micro, Macro and Mezzo GeoInformation (ISSN: 1857-9000). The paper entitled Awareness Raising on EO/GI/SDI for SDGs – the Case of Hungary, was written by Mihály Sz., Palya T and Remetey-Fülöpp G. has unique identifier UDC: 528.4/.9:004.6]:502.131.1(439), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29721.11364

2.    A more detailed and updated description was published in the bi-monthly journal issued commonly by the Department of Land Administration in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing called Geodézia és Kartográfia (Vol 70.Issue 3 pp 13-27, HU ISSN: 0016-7118).The paper entitled Geospatial Data for Sustainable Development was written by Mihály Sz., Palya T., Remetey-Fülöpp G. and has a longer summary in English..DOI: 10.30921/GK.70.2018.3.3

3.    In the Digital Earth Section of the 7th International Cartographic Conference and GIS held in Sozopol the Hungarian case was presented by MFTTT team member Prof. Dr. László Zentai of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University with the title Zentai L., Mihály Sz., Remetey-Fülöpp G., Palya.T: Geospatial Data and Services to Support the UN 2030 Agenda Implementation: Hungarian Activities. In Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 18-23 June 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M. (https://iccgis2018.cartography-gis.com/proceedings/) The link of the ppt version: https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/0891407d-c0e3-4528-bc8e-4c32e1f55c84

4.    Interventions have been made by MFTTT team member Remetey-Fülöpp G. at the interdisciplinary public event devoted to Geospatial information and Sustainable Development discussing the “coherence and mutual synergies from holistic information management of global declarations, frameworks and programs” as well as at the business meeting of the International Society for Digital Earth’s (ISDE) both in frame of the 24th InterCarto-InterGIS held in Bonn between 24-29 July 2018. (http://InterCarto24.net)

5.    The importance of geospatial/EO information for the official statistics in SDGs related monitoring and reporting is obvious. One of the team member Tamás Palya (National Inspire representative at the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Department of Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Land Offices) is prepared to take part actively addressing this issue at the coming 11th European Forum for Geography and Statistics conference (http://efgs2018.fi/)

              6.    The Team recommended the MFTTT to initialize cooperation with the Hungarian Space Office (MŰI)  to enhance its Earth Observation Information System project to provide synergic support for achievement of SDGs."

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