

Közzétették a Digitális Föld szimpózium (ISDE11) hivatkozható előadás-kivonatait

Megjelentek a szeptember végi 11. Nemzetközi Digitális Föld szimpózium befogadott előadásainak kivonatai e-könyv formában 'Book of short Abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth' címmel. 
Hivatkozás: Liberti, Maria A. and Mazzetti, Paolo and Nativi, Stefano, eds. (2019) Book of short Abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth. CNR-IIA, Firenze.

Text Booklet_ISDE11_final1.pdf - Published Version  Download (4MB) | Preview Forrás: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/19346/1/Booklet_ISDE11_final1.pdf
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ISDE11, 24 – 27 Sept. 2019, Florence (Italy) Short Abstracts 
Remetey-Fülöpp Dr Gabor [1], Mihály Prof. Dr. Szabolcs [2], Palya Tamás [3], Zentai Prof. Dr László [4], Hargitai Péter [5], Iván Gyula [6] 
[1] Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT), Working Group for SDG (MFTTT WG4SDG), Budapest, Hungary
[2] Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT), Chair of Working Group for SDG (MFTTT WG4SDG), Budapest, Hungary 
[3] Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Department of Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Land Offices, Budapest, Hungary [4] ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Budapest, Hungary
[5] Hungarian Space Cluster HUNSPACE, Chair of HUNSPACE, Miskolc, Hungary
[6] Government Office of the Capital City Budapest, Department of Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Land Offices, Budapest, Hungary 
The team of the co-authors within the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) was recently acredited as Working Group on EO/GI for Sustainable Development Goals (WG4SDG). Its mission goal is to facilitate unlock the power of the use of the steadily developed EO/Geospatial data infrastructures and services for SDGs by strengthen the engagements of the stakeholders from government, academia/education, private sector/industry and learned societies on national level. Furthermore, the just established direct link with the forum of the EO downlink and ground segment industry represented by the Hungarian Space Cluster HUNSPACE will further leverage the knowledge and experiences gained in EO and SDI communities, using long-life connections also with the national GI association HUNAGI and international learned societies such as FIG, ISPRS, ICA and ISDE. 
Monitoring and reporting of the targets and their indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda (2016-2030) requires innovative and cost-effective support provided by the Digital Earth technologies including EO/ICT/SDI. Considering the spatial nature of the majority of indicators to be monitored, the need for spatiotemporal analysis capabilities is imperative and the fact, they have to be disaggregated also by geographic location where appropriate, it upgrades the value of EO/Geospatial Data Infrastructures, related interoperable services and calls for coordinated, interdisciplinary collaboration with special emphasis on the link to be enhanced with the national statistics. 
The early engagement of the stakeholders from Academia, Private sector, NGOs and Governmental agencies is critical. Awareness raising actions addressing the data custodians, value added products providers and the scientific/educational institutions with the aim to bring the potential cooperating organisations together will facilitate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Started in February 2017, awareness raising campaign was setting up on national level by volunteer and ad- hoc team members of the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) by the former and the present national INSPIRE delegates as well as by the national correspondent to the Group of Earth Observations (GEO) and liaison of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) later of the Hungarian Space Office to the Working Group of Information Systems and Services (WGISS) of the Committee of Earth Observation Systems (CEOS). The achievements of the first two years were published in domestic and international journals ( Geodézia és Kartográfia [1], MMM Geo Information [2], GIM [3]) and proceedings (7thICC&GIS [4], EFGS [5]) and were submitted in form of written report [6] to the EO4SDG Initiative at the GEO Week held in Kyoto, October 2018 as well. 
The presentation will share the conclusions and major considerations based on the experiences of the first two years, describe the proposed way ahead as approved by the Executive Committee of MFTTT (Res.No. 16/2018.(XII.10.)), will provide an introduction of the potential stakeholders capable to engage in the UN 2030 Agenda related implementation of SDGs. This inventory will cover selected major service and solution providers who can or could play active role in EO/Geospatial applications supporting the achievement of SDGs. 
Emphasis will be given to the capacity building, education, cooperation and coordination aspects due to the necessity of adoption of SDGs-related capacity building on how to use emerging Digital Earth technologies and innovative approach in the field of EO/ICT/SDI and the imperative need for cooperation and collaboration in line with the UN guidelines and the respective national strategy on SDGs taking into account the national programmes associated with the digital transformation of the society. 
Finally, some achievements of the work accomplished in 2019 will be addressed. 
ISDE11, 24 – 27 Sept. 2019, Florence (Italy) Short Abstracts References 
1.     Mihály et al (2018) Geodézia és Kartográfia 2018/3 Vol 70. pp 13-23 DOI: 10.30921/GK.70.2018.3.3 
2.     Mihály et al (2017) Micro Macro & Mezzo Geo Information No.9-2017, pp.7-25 
3.     Remetey (2017) GIM International. Issue 9 Vol 31, September 2017 
4.     Zentai et al (2018) 7th ICC&GISConference Digital Earth Session. Sozopol, 18-23 June, 2018 
5.     https://iccgis2018.cartography-gis.com/7ICCGIS_Proceedings/7_ICCGIS_2018%20(35).pdf
6.     Palya et al (2018) European Forum on Geography and Statistics. Helsinki, 16-18 October, 2018 
7.     https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328232743_Hungarian_GIS_data_for_sustainable_development_
8.     Remetey et al (2018) EO4SDG Side Event GEO Week 2018 Kyoto, 24 October, 2018 
9.     https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Aa0646191-2b3c-4bbd-

Forrás: Booklet_ISDE11_final1.pdf

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