

COVID-19: mit tanultunk és milyen kilátásaink vannak a vírusjárvány közlekedésre gyakorolt hatásával kapcsolatban?

A Fenntartható fejlődési célok körposta-jegyzékén a mai napon terjesztett információ:

"Dear sdg-list colleagues,

SLOCAT invites you to a first in a series of conversations with experts from the sustainable, low carbon transport community and other sectors, as they assess critical issues in transport and mobility. First topic for discussion: the ongoing global health crisis and its wider impacts on transport.
Let's Talk Transport Fireside Chat
COVID-19: Lessons learnt and outlooks for sustainable, low carbon transport
Friday, 3 April 2020
14:00 to 15:30 CEST

Best regards,
Nikola Medimorec

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