

GEO Titkárság listát ad közre a COVID-19 monitoringot, és egyéb kapcsolatos alkalmazásokat támogató földmegfigyelési projektekről

Közérdekű GEO bejelentés, a kapcsolatos hazai projektek bejelenthetők a GEO genfi titkárságán.

Forrás: GEO Titkárság
"The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has invited GEO Work Programme activities, GEO Members, Participating Organizations and Associates to share information about projects using Earth observations to support monitoring, response or recovery actions related to the COVID‑19 pandemic.
GEO has published a list of Earth observations projects responding to COVID‑19. Explore the list of projects here.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, and it does not imply endorsement from GEO. However, it is intended as a repository to share information and data from the wider GEO community and will be continuously updated.
To request to add your project to this list, please email the GEO Secretariat secretariat@geosec.org."

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