

A GEO EO4SDG májusi üléséről

 Az MFTTT WG4SDG munkacsoport képviseletében részt vettem a GEO EO4SDG májusi video-értekezletén. A virtuális találkozón 27 fő vett részt.  Az ülés napirendjén volt többek között az IAEG WGGI dokumentuma "SDG Geospatial Roadmap", továbbá az UN HABITAT és a GEO EO4SDG segédlete "EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements" címmel, az idei GEO SDG Awards 2021 pályázatr és az arra való jelölés lehetősége, de egy Google jamboard interaktív véleménykérés is három témakörben. Mint mindig, az ülés az egyes tagok és partnerek kaptak lehetőséget fejleményeik megosztására. A találkozót Argie Kavvada (NASA HQ) vezette.



A program

A pályázati felhívás

Az SDG  Geospatial Roadmap



Dr.Mihály Szabolcs munkacsoport vezetővel egyeztetve az ülés részvevői az MFTTT WG4SDG jelenlegi aktivitásáról az alábbi frissítő tájékoztatást kapták:

"Short update for the GEO EO4SDG Community


By invitation, the Working Group for Sustainable Development (WG4SDG) of Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) a review article has been provided for publication in the special issue of the Big Earth Data Journal devoted to “Big Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals”.  The article will inform the readers on the Hungarian status and innovations in Earth observations and geoinformation with the aims to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The paper entitled „Earth Observation and Geospatial Big Data Management and Engagement of Stakeholders in Hungary to Support the SDGs” is dealing with the following topics:

Chapter 1 gives introduction of the article,

Chapter 2 describes the mission goals, voluntary task of WG4SDG and gives a general picture on the Hungarian SDGs institutional background.

The WG4SDG’s international partnerships and domestic activities as achievements are briefly introduced in Chapter 3.

This is followed by analysis of the SDGs-related Geospatial Information (GI) and Earth Observation (EO) education in Hungary in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 communicates on the major EO/GI data sets, databases, repositories and services applicable to support SDG-related implementations. As a contribution a case study on the Hungarian Soil Geoinformation System is given.

In Chapter 6 a special attention is paid to the Big Earth Data perspective in the field of EO, namely establishment of the Hungarian Earth Observation Information System (FIR) and its SDG-related EO applications.

The Chapters 7 - 9 give critical assessment, identify tasks to be accomplished and summarize conclusions.

The extended team of co-authors represent governmental, academic, industry and non- governmental organisations and professional society segments. They are core members of the WG4SDG working group together with experts of prime engaged stakeholders in the field of EO/Geospatial domain. The WG4SDG is lead by Prof. Dr. Szabolcs Mihály. The authors of the paper are: Szabolcs Mihály[1], Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp[2], Dániel Kristóf[3], Anna Czinkóczky[4], Tamás Palya[5], László Pásztor[6], Pál Rudan[7], György Szabó[8], László Zentai[9]

In case of publication, a presentation will be prepared with the same contents to inform the EO4SDG Community as well.


Further notes

-       At the Annual General Assembly of MFTTT, held on 25th May, 2021 the activities of WG4SDG have been recognised. As the next domestic action in outreach, the achievements will be introduced at the MFTTT Roving Conference in July.

-       The issue ’support of the implementation of SDGs by EO/GI’ has been repeatedly advocated in the final review phase of the draft of the National Space Strategy.

-       Many of the line Ministries addressed by MFTTT replied positively encouraging the Society’s efforts to continue its awareness raising activities and assist in forging links between stakeholders including the Central Statistical Office.”

[1] Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT); Member; Address: Bosnyák tér 5, H-1149 Budapest, Hungary; Tel. +36-30-9316610; E-mail: mihaly.szabolcs43@gmail.com

[2] Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT), Member; m

[3] Lechner Nonprofit Ltd.;

[4]Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE);

[5] Lechner Nonprofit Ltd.;

[6] Institute for Soil Sciences, Centre for Agricultural Research; Director;

[7] Governmental Agency for IT Development; Expert;

[8] Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

[9] ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics


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