

Figyelemfelhívás: '2nd Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure Summit: Advancing Industry Adoption' 2022.02.24-25 13:00-17:00 óra (CET)

Az indiai 'Geospatial World' médiavállalkozás szakterületünkön jó ideje sikeresen működik. Az elmúlt évben 108 ország több mint kétezer szakmabelije részvételével rendezte első térinformatikai tudás infrastruktúra on-line konferenciáját a 4. ipari forradalom témakörében. A rendezvény sikerén idén a fenntarthatóság jegyében - az ENSZ Statisztikai részlegével összefogva - szervezték meg a 2. on-line konferenciát, melynek elérhetősége (program, regisztráció) az alábbi levélben található. A részvételi lehetőségről ez úton is tájékoztatást kaptak az MFTTT WG4SDG munkacsoport tagjai és együttműködőik.
"Dear Gabor, Thank you for your valuable participation in Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure Summit 2021: Mapping our way to 4IR. The virtual summit witnessed the participation of 2000+ stakeholders from 108 countries. The concept of Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure has received positive response from all the stakeholders across the globe. As a part of Phase 2 of Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure project with the aim to enhance the technology and user industry engagement, Geospatial World and United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) along with the GKI project alliance partners are thrilled to announce the 2nd Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure Summit: Advancing Industry Adoption, scheduled on 24-25 February 2022 from 0700-1100 (EST). The summit aims to refine the concept of Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure (GKI), demonstrate the geospatial adoption in defined sectors (Logistics & Supply Chain, Construction & Infrastructure, Cities, Land Administration, Energy Transition, Agriculture, Public Safety & Security and Autonomous Driving), project the value proposition of geospatial knowledge in the sectors, and appraise the readiness for transition to GKI. It will delve upon the following key questions that arise today: • How does the 4th Industrial Revolution help in solving global challenges? • How does the convergence of the geospatial and 4IR technology enable the transition to a knowledge economy? • Are sectoral users ready to scale up their geospatial adoption? • What are the paradigm shifts required to enmesh geospatial within the wider digital and sectoral infrastructure? We are pleased to invite you in the 2nd Geospatial Knowledge Infrastructure Summit. Please click HERE to view the agenda and register for the seminar. Please let us know in case of any query. Warm Regards, DISHA DWIVEDI Sr. Research Analyst - Sustainability disha (at)geospatialworld.net"

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