

Call for Experts to Moldova's First Cadastral Project

Call for Opportunity - Consortium looks for experts

A 4CLI szervezet felhívása Moldova első kataszteri projektjében való konzorciumi szakértői részvételre:

"On behalf of an invited consortium to apply for providing Technical Assistance consultancy to the “Moldova First Cadastral Project” we are looking for individual experts to be part of the proposed project team

The project includes the following topics:
- Institutional strengthening of the cadastral system, human capacity building and general technical assistance in the area of land management;
- Assistance for the improvement of the reliability and sustainability of unified cadastral system, increasing the quality and availability of cadastral services;
- Continued assistance on the establishment of real property valuation system and development of fiscal cadastre;
- Assistance for the improvement of the cadastral information system, data management, its quality and availability for different customers and users;

The duration of the project is 30 months. The project will consist of an Inception Phase of three to four months followed by an Implementation Phase. The project is preliminary expected to be carried out between October 2006 and April 2009. It is estimated that a total of 232 staff-weeks of consultants are required to carry out the all components.

If you are interested to be part of the team to participate in any of the above listed components’ activities, and have relevant experiences, please send your English language CV (including relevant references, activities) by 14th of August to mposfai@4cli.org . Also please send your length of availability and your proposal for the work contribution: how you, as a team member would be able to add value to the work of the project team.
The selection criteria will be the relevant experiences and the availability for the project period. The proposed international team members will be selected before the 30th of August.

4CLI Project Team"

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