

Látogatás az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálatnál

b: Az OMSZ épület bejárati díszei tanusítják: az épület 1910-ben a meteorológiai szolgálat részére épült. j: Az időjárás-előrejelzők műveleti terme. Képek: HUNAGI fotógyűjtemény, 2006

HUNAGI SG invited by the President of the Hungarian Met Service As follow-on action of the INSPIRE Information Day held on 30th of June, President Dr. Zoltán Dunkel invited HUNAGI Secretary General Dr.Gábor Remetey to visit the Hungarian Met Service on 10th of August. The topics of the informal talks were devoted to overview HUNAGI's activities which are relevant or could be interesting from the Met Service point of view: ie. ie. INSPIRE , GMES, GEO, GSDI, CEOS-WGISS, UNSDI, Digital Earth and sustainable development and 5th Digital Earth SymposiumIf needed, the Hungarian Met Service can provide room for meetings, workshops arranged by HUNAGI.The meeting was followed by a lookaround in the historical building paying a visit on the top observation platform and in the daily forecast planning operation room. The daily throghput of the information system is over 23 Gbytes dominated by downlinked Earth Observation data.Planning is fully computerised, using integrated GIS and Remote Sensing technologies supported by advanced communication facilities. Interoperability on international level became a routine in this discipline and the Met Service is not an exception. Based on emerging links and partnership, the interdisciplinary HUNAGI as spatial data interest community could facilitate the extension of such interoperability gradually towards other disciplines which are focusing mainly on surface or subsurface mapping, monitoring and management of natural resources, built objects and critical phenomena. Such a partnership-based interdisciplinary approach could be beneficial also to help solving challenging problems such as global warming, sustainable management of the renewable natural resources etc. The visit was one of the first steps to exchange the views in this respect.
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