

Európai cég technológiáján alapuló helyfüggő szolgáltatás (LBS) alkalmazása a nyilvántartásban

Az Egyesült Államok az ír eSpatial iSMART technológiájára épülő szolgáltatást használ a védelmi szektorban
A postánkba érkező eSpatial Update sajtóhíre szerint innovatív, új térinformatikai alkalmazás segíti a katonai közösség számára az eligazodást több mint 250 helyszínen világszerte. Az alkalmazás jó példa a térinformatika logisztikai, nyilvántartási alkalmazási lehetőségeire a napi gyakorlatban. A példaértékű hír közreadásának az ad időszerűséget, hogy augusztus 17-én a Magyar Logisztikai, Beszerzési és Készletezési Társaság meghívására találkozóra kerül sor a HUNAGI vezetőivel.
A központi, megbízható és egyablakos világhálós szolgáltatásról szóló eredeti hír:
"Washington DC, August 10, 2006
eSpatial Inc, a leading Enterprise Geospatial software and technology company today announced that the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel & Readiness, Military Community & Family Policy has deployed an Installation and Directories of Services application in support of service members and their families on the MilitaryHOMEFRONT Portal http://www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil/

The MilitaryINSTALLATIONS LBS application provides a web-based central point of access to information for the military community. The MilitaryINSTALLATIONS has been designed to assist the service members
and their families to better understand available services and facilities around military bases. For example, A family relocating from Germany to a base in Oklahoma can search for installations related and local services in the area including schools, ATM's, Pharmacies, parks and other municipal services. The militaryINSTALLATIONS application has been developed using eSpatial's iSMART product on an Oracle 10 g Spatial platform including locations services. Worldwide data for the system is provided using NAVTEQ's
Streets and "Points of Interest" (POI) dataset. This dataset has been augmented with additional application specific data related to the available base services, plus links to associated websites and additional information. Users are able to locate and map services within the base, choose and locate services, route to and from the base, services, locate Points of Interest (POI') data, and to download service information to applications such as Microsoft Excel. The application utilizes iSMART's advanced web mapping techniques to
provide a seamless user interface including AJAX for map display, mouse over pop-ups of information of services and POI's. Oracle's Location Based Services are used for geocoding and routing.
Philip O'Doherty, CEO eSpatial, "eSpatial is proud to be associated with the MilitaryHOMEFRONT portal. This application is a perfect example of using enterprise strength geospatial software to spatially enable business
processes and is one of the first truly global infrastructure sites based on NAVTEQ data and an Oracle based platform". He continued, "Combining a world wide data set with their own specific asset information in a single environment provides an infrastructure which can be reused as basis for a whole range of value added services and additional MilitaryHOMEFRONT related applications and other Department of Defense users"
"We are excited about the capabilities this system provides us with" said Lieutenant Colonel R. Lao, Program Manager, "The underlying LBS application can be reused and repurposed for several related applications".

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